Wedding Shape-up

I am on this site to get healthier and wiser about weight loss and looking after myself for many years to come.
I have developed some good exercise habits, and I exercise practically every day, whether it be walking my Bullmastiff puppy (7months old), jogging, and biking. I aim to burn between 150-400 calories a day, and so far have lost about 7kgs since beginning this all in april (althought I am still new to MFP). Basically I am wanting to know a few quick tips and tricks for motivation, picking good healthy and filling foods, and perhaps some good exercises working my stomach and arms.
My goal weight is 8kgs away, and I am getting married in January... but which ever comes first I am still super happy with my progress anyway.
Any support would be greatly appreciated!


  • Puckermann
    First of all congrats on making a healthy choice. If you are losing weight and you are happy with your progess then rather not break something that is already working.

    If you really feel the need to make adjustments, rather message me so we can sit and discuss this properly and see where we can make the adjustments.
  • vasare
    Wow... you seem to be doing great with or without additional support! Congrats on the weightloss and the wedding, of course! ;) I suppose Im in a similar, but not quite, position ;) I didn't have any weight to lose prior to I got married since I've been on a massive health kick for about a year before that... however, I gained 8 kg after I got married. So now striving to get back to the healthy me I've been before.

    Either way, congrats again and all the best!
  • bonifachi
    bonifachi Posts: 50 Member
    Thanks guys.
    I guess I just want to make sure I keep on the good path. I eat pretty well most of the time, but with treats at the weekend (cheat evenings as I call them). And yeah, I understand the 'if it ain't broke, don't fit it' thing. I am a person that always thinks I should be pushing myself and that I could do better, but perhaps that has been my downfall in the past?
  • vasare
    I honestly think, that if you;re losing weight and you haven't hit any plateaus or anything like that at the moment... and you're losing your weight steadily - all is well. So just keep going.

    However, when I used to hit a wall in my previous attempts... the thing that always helped was alternating my calories (eating a bit more than my norm one day and less the other and repeating that pattern for a while) and changing my exercise routine - adding more cardio seemed to help.
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member

    i'm getting married 11/11/11 in the US and I'm trying to get another 10 off. I'm down 12 thus far. But 10 more would make me feel just a bunch better!