Help me out a little?

prettytoxic Posts: 122 Member
Help me pick!!!!!
I’m going to my friend’s wedding on Saturday and I don’t have anything to wear so I’m getting something new.
I’ve pretty much set my heart on red but all of these dresses do have a black option.

So yeah help me decide which style and if I should stick with red or go for black.
Which one?



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • Love the first 2, if you're busty though I'd say the first one and if not the 2nd.... love them both....
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    The second one is gorgeous, stick to red if thats what you want!

    I say go for second but if you wanna be a little understated (?) less flash, go for number 1!
  • I like option 3 the best. Number 2 is also nice but a bit bridesmaid-y which could get awkward, lol! Option 3 also has both colors you like, so then you don't have to choose between red or black! :)
  • KENNY1957
    KENNY1957 Posts: 89 Member
  • shrek1970uk
    shrek1970uk Posts: 83 Member
    I also like the 1st dress the best :)
  • prettytoxic
    prettytoxic Posts: 122 Member
    Looks like the first is winning.... I should probably have mentioned that I'm only a B cup =P so not much boobage going on.
  • The second one is lovely! :)
  • first one def, second tad bridesmaidy, obviously just my opionion xx
  • The first one. real nice one :happy:
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Love the first one! Second one is very nice but the bow does make it look kinda like a bridesmaid dress...but still a very nice dress for sure :happy:
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    I like No 3 the best, classy. Second choice would be No 1. Have a wonderful time x
  • WPoppysmith
    WPoppysmith Posts: 33 Member
    First and second are lovely, cant choose between either!
  • Second in red! <3
  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    second is my favorite, I love it!
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    I love the second one, but I do see how it could look a little like a bridesmaid. Option 3 looks the most like a guest!

    I want to see a picture of you in whichever dress you decide though! Enjoy the wedding!
  • I like the first one. I'd stick with the red, not black.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I like the 3rd one best. The others are lovely, but look like high school semi-formal or bridesmaid dresses to me.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I like #3 and 1
  • prettytoxic
    prettytoxic Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks guys ^_^ think I'm gonna go for the first one.
    I definitely see what you mean about the 2nd being very bridesmaidy

    I might buy the 3rd one just because xD

    I'll be sure to post a picture on here once I have it.