how many calories does your body burn?

sorry bit of a random post just curious to know how many calories your body burns just to function each day?


  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    It totally depends on your age, sex, height, weight, etc etc.

    Click on the tools tab, and use the BMR tool to find yours! :)
  • ideal thanks :)
  • candicole007
    candicole007 Posts: 120 Member
    I highly recommend investing the 40 bucks or so for a metabolism test - it will tell you exactly how many calories your body burns, how many you need to consume for maintenance, weight loss, and your bare minimum (mine is 1400 - if I only eat the 1200 MFP says to eat to lose 2 pounds a week, I don't lose at all). It's very enlightening :)
  • amandadavis71
    amandadavis71 Posts: 10 Member
    candicecole007 - where did you get your metabolism test from?