

  • amanda07425
    amanda07425 Posts: 105 Member
    Should I start drinking protein shakes to help myself get more protein? I eat meat for dinner everyday which is where most of my protein comes from but I'm still probably not getting enough.. Although, I have taken protein before when I was lifting to help my muscles but that also means a lot more calories!!
  • amanda07425
    amanda07425 Posts: 105 Member
    sodium is something I DEFINITELY struggle with but I don't think it should stop me from losing weight completely. I know it holds in water but it can't be holding onto fat too. I started c25k so that I would start losing fat but i've lost nothing! ughh soo frustrating!!

  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Should I start drinking protein shakes to help myself get more protein? I eat meat for dinner everyday which is where most of my protein comes from but I'm still probably not getting enough.. Although, I have taken protein before when I was lifting to help my muscles but that also means a lot more calories!!
    If you're trying to lose weight I wouldn't really recommend protein shakes. Just have some good lean protein in your diet. I would really watch the sodium. I see a lot of deli meat and high, high sodium days. That can count for a lot! Drink lots of water and keep the sodium down..that may do the trick! :-)
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    If people now look at your diary I doubt you'll get anyone saying 'eat more'. You are generally within a couple of hundred either way of eating your goal (incl all your exercise calories) so probably averaging your exact goal, more or less.

    I sometimes think it's people's default on here to say 'eat more' if someone isn't losing weight. Which seems totally bizarre to me, unless it is clear that someone is massively undereating - which you aren't.
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Why are you INCREASING your calories in response to not losing weight??

    You were eating healthily to start with.

    I would eat less not more.

    jellybaby84 i just looked at your diary you seem to always eat under 1200, that not good for your health.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    so you raised your cals to 1400ish and still not gaining but still not losing either?
  • Fern39
    So even though I've just begun, I was worried about this as well and based on what I researched your body adapts quite easily so you can try changing the following:

    1. Zig zag your caloric intake (lower one day, higher the next)
    2. Change your exercise routine (high intensity one day, lower intensity the next OR do completely different exercises walk, run, ride the bike, elliptical etc.)
    3. Alter your macronutrient intake (reduce carbs one day and increase protein) i.e switch up your regular snacks for a protein shake
    4. Work out twice a day (if you have the time)
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Why are you INCREASING your calories in response to not losing weight??

    You were eating healthily to start with.

    I would eat less not more.

    jellybaby84 i just looked at your diary you seem to always eat under 1200, that not good for your health.

    That's irrelevant, we are talking about HER diary, not mine and she is not undereating.
  • amanda07425
    amanda07425 Posts: 105 Member
    Not gaining or losing. I'm sooo irritated, I mean I'm glad I'm not gaining but I want to lose!! I'm looking into zig zaging calories and I think I might try that next, b/c I'm at a loss of what to do.

    Also, I do have sandwiches everyday b/c its the easiest and quickest thing to take to work.. but if anyone has other suggestions on lunches that will keep me full, I'll be glad to hear them!!
  • amanda07425
    amanda07425 Posts: 105 Member
    If people now look at your diary I doubt you'll get anyone saying 'eat more'. You are generally within a couple of hundred either way of eating your goal (incl all your exercise calories) so probably averaging your exact goal, more or less.

    I sometimes think it's people's default on here to say 'eat more' if someone isn't losing weight. Which seems totally bizarre to me, unless it is clear that someone is massively undereating - which you aren't.

    Yeh, I'm usually around my goal but idk if I should adjust my goal or not.. b/c I dont know what's going to help me lose.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Should I start drinking protein shakes to help myself get more protein? I eat meat for dinner everyday which is where most of my protein comes from but I'm still probably not getting enough.. Although, I have taken protein before when I was lifting to help my muscles but that also means a lot more calories!!

    Yes I totally recommend protein shakes. Not on TOP of everything you already have, but replace something else with it so you don't go over on calories. I would cut some starchy carbs (crackers, hot dog buns, etc) and have a protein shake instead. A couple of nights a week with just lean meat and veggies can do wonders. You can do with less starchy carbs.
  • GreenLifeGirl
    GreenLifeGirl Posts: 381 Member
    Like others have mentioned, I would mix things up a bit and do some strength training. Also, you mentioned Jillian Michaels 30DS...youtube her and you will find her doing some different Q&A on these kind of questions...might be helpful.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Since you asked, I would redo your lunch. Take a lunch of greens with a low cal dressing like balsamic vinegar, and a lean chicken breast. And one slice of multigrain bread. Lose the mayo and bologna and especially the crackers. But that's just my suggestion. Good luck!!
  • amanda07425
    amanda07425 Posts: 105 Member
    so you think changing the little things i eat will help me lose weight and you dont think i should adjust the calorie amount at all? decrease or increase??

    what about exercise? should i stop doing the c25k and go back to workout dvds?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    pretty sure you could cut at 1600ish cals a day, but that's just my opinion.
  • amanda07425
    amanda07425 Posts: 105 Member
    pretty sure you could cut at 1600ish cals a day, but that's just my opinion.

    so you think i should eat 1600 calories a day? that seems like a lot to me! what's your reasoning behind this?
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    so you think changing the little things i eat will help me lose weight and you dont think i should adjust the calorie amount at all? decrease or increase??

    what about exercise? should i stop doing the c25k and go back to workout dvds?

    I think any exercise that will burn the cals is great!! I know in my case workout dvds get boring so I like to do them some of the time but incorporate other workouts so I don't do the same thing every day. I would not increase your cals. I personally prefer a 1200 cal day. If you exercise, I would eat some of them back (not all because I've found that in my case at least, MFP overestimates the cals burned compared to my HRM).
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member

    I have been in the same boat for over 6 months!!!! ARGH!!!
    I am going to try cycling calories!

    I would continue with the c25k!
    Good Luck!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    pretty sure you could cut at 1600ish cals a day, but that's just my opinion.

    so you think i should eat 1600 calories a day? that seems like a lot to me! what's your reasoning behind this?

    usually a rough estimate of your RMR is 10cal per lb of weight. it's an estimate but but usually not far off from any of the other formulas used. since you are active you should be able to lose weight at that level, then if you are still stuck it's easier to move down cause you're not already really low in cals
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    also you can read this
