Calling all runners!

Ok so I ran my first 5k on Sunday (yesterday) and I want to keep up my running.
I am the kind of person that needs to work towards something and stick to a plan. I want to run a 10k in May (approx 32 weeks) but the only running programme for 10k was the following 8 week schedule:

Because I want to start this week, I have tried to extend the above table to suit 32 weeks. Is there someone that knows running well that I can email my schedule to for them to look over it for me (I don't know how the hell I'd add it to this comment).
I am just wanting to make sure my schedule isn't nuts as I am still new to runnings!
Cheers! PM me if you can! x


  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Hal Higdon has a lot of programs and advice for different distance race training on his site. Might be something there that you like.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    there are many training plans for 10ks. Try, Couch to 10k, or Google "Hal Higdon" or "Jeff Galloway" for additional training plans :)

    Good luck!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    If you have a bike and accesd to a pool, try looking up beginner triathlon work outs. They can be long and hard :giggity: but varied and challenging.
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    Try PODRUNNER intervals. There is a Gateway to 8K program and a Freeway to 10K program.

    AND best of all it's FREE. You can either dowload it directly from the website or
    as an itunes Podcast.

    Good luck
  • rcb722
    rcb722 Posts: 19 Member
    So you're not looking for another training program, just something to do between now and when the actual program begins?

    I have just used the first week's schedule and stuck with that for the weeks before a training schedule. This gets your body used to running without increasing your mileage too much too fast. Also, don't try to increase your distance too fast. I did this, and it causes some serious shin splints.

    Good luck! I always feel like having a race goal is great motivation for me. Maybe try to find some local 5k's or other races between now and the 10K to get some more race experience. :)
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    There are many training plans on the web.

    Try Googling "training plans for runners"
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    In 32 weeks your should run a half marathon or marathon......go for a training program for that.

    You can run a 10k easy in a few weeks.

    I JUST started running in May, and am doing a Half-Marathon next month...NO training program. So it's not necessary at all really.
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    I've just downloaded the Bridge to 10K app which follows on from Couch to 5K. Did the first run at the weekend (4 10-minute runs with 3 1-minute walks in between), and that was 4.5 miles. Programme lasts for 6 weeks if you run 3 times a week but I figure that will be harder as the days get shorter, so I'm planning to do those runs at weekends and shorter runs in the week. I'll let you know how it goes!
  • mtntrailrunner
    personally I'd work on achieving a base (four days a week).
    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

    something like:
    week 1 -> 3 miles - 3 miles - 3 miles - 3 miles
    week 2 -> 3 miles - 3 miles - 3 miles - 4 miles
    week 3 -> 3 miles - 3 miles - 3 miles - 5 miles
    week 4 -> 2 miles - 2 miles - 2 miles - 3 miles

    week 4 being an "easy/rest/recovery week"