


  • Pisc2749
    Pisc2749 Posts: 61 Member
    Wow Joe hempel, that's a really mean!! You couldn't have phrased it nicer?!?

    I agree with what he says, impossible to do at that weight and fitness level. I have a friend who is a runner in every sense of the word who only does 7 minute miles after years and years of training.

    Also, I think it can be irresponsible to declare such things when so many of us naturally "measure" ourselves against others. Imagine someone else of a similar fitness level thinking, "gee, if she can do that, maybe i can too" = instant injuries.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    How long have you been running for? When I first started running I was confused by the MPM, MPH, KM etc etc. I ran a "test run" 10K last week and was thrilled with 9:30 MPM for all 6.2 miles. I was thrilled. I finished my last half marathon at under 10:00 MPM. When I started running, I started at 11:17 MPM for my first 12K. It's confusing what your speed can be. If you really are at that speed, it's quite impressive. If not, don't be discouraged and keep up the good work at losing weight and getting faster.
  • abalicious
    abalicious Posts: 361 Member

    I think his post was worded nicely. He is speaking the truth. sometimes the truth hurts!

    Just because someone weighs more than you, that doesn't mean anything.
    Maybe they're in better shape? No offense.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member

    I think his post was worded nicely. He is speaking the truth. sometimes the truth hurts!

    Just because someone weighs more than you, that doesn't mean anything.
    Maybe they're in better shape? No offense.

    while this is totally true, when you look at her profile she speaks of wanting to walk/run without getting winded, something does not add up there, considering some extremely fit people can't run that fast.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member

    I think his post was worded nicely. He is speaking the truth. sometimes the truth hurts!

    Just because someone weighs more than you, that doesn't mean anything.
    Maybe they're in better shape? No offense.

    Except she's not in better shape....I understand the difference between weighing more and being in better shape.

    EDIT: I'm going to explain why I'm so pissed about this topic.....It CHEAPENS everything everyone has done...if it's a 6:50 per KM, I can buy it (just barely), but there is NO WAY that she's running a 6:50 mile. Conditioned athletes can't do that sometimes!!
  • kendratiger20

    I think his post was worded nicely. He is speaking the truth. sometimes the truth hurts!

    Just because someone weighs more than you, that doesn't mean anything.
    Maybe they're in better shape? No offense.

    I agree that someone who is heavy and works out all the time can be in better shape then a thinner person who never works out. BUT This woman would have to be an incredibly seasoned runner (which by default would make her thinner) or Forrest Gump to make a time of 6:50 .
  • Pisc2749
    Pisc2749 Posts: 61 Member
    I agree with Joe obviously, and I get where his anger is coming from. I just ran 3 miles for the first time ever at 12 minutes per mile and I'm elated I could do that.

    It makes me feel the same way when super skinny actresses claim they don't diet and eat whatever they want - but at the same time, they are underweight. It just doesn't make sense because it's not true, and does nothing more than make a lot of people feel worse about themselves.

    I'm sure the original poster is feeling attacked and possibly embarrassed by the reactions on this thread - it struck me as an attention seeking post, but I'm sure she didn't want this kind of attention. Just be responsible, we're all here for basically the same reasons.
  • natekorpusik
    natekorpusik Posts: 176 Member
    Hmmmm. Just to compare. I am 202lbs. I have been running for some time. My last Army Physical assesment (about 2 weeks ago) I ran 2 miles in 15 minutes exactly. That's 7:30 mile. That is considered over the 80th percentile. Now, I am heavy (weight lifter mostly) but I run almost every day and bike on the weekends. My body fat is at 13%. I don't think I will ever be below a 7 minute mile but I will try my darndest to get there. I am not bragging, or dminishing anything anyone else has said here, I just wanted to give a comparison for the person who started the post. Perhaps a typo? Anyways, my best of luck to everyone here.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Hmmmm. Just to compare. I am 202lbs. I have been running for some time. My last Army Physical assesment (about 2 weeks ago) I ran 2 miles in 15 minutes exactly. That's 7:30 mile. That is considered over the 80th percentile. Now, I am heavy (weight lifter mostly) but I run almost every day and bike on the weekends. My body fat is at 13%. I don't think I will ever be below a 7 minute mile but I will try my darndest to get there. I am not bragging, or dminishing anything anyone else has said here, I just wanted to give a comparison for the person who started the post. Perhaps a typo? Anyways, my best of luck to everyone here.

    Yeah...its hard at that weight even with the muscular strength
    ..bit its not impossible. 7:30 is an awesome time. Im going to test my mile run after my half so I don't get injured. The last test for me was 8:50 pushing a 40lb kid in a stroller up hills. That was like a month ago.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Whats the average minutes per mile...

    I run 6:50

    Opinions please...

    6:50 miles? that's crazy fast

    do you mean 6:50 per km?
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    I just saw a BIGGEST LOSER POST.

    The mileage there was 16:50....NOT 6:50....THAT Makes more sense!
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    Wow...that is fast! I have been running for awhile and I run long distances (6+ miles) at a 8:30 minute pace. My best two mile time is 14:48....but I could barely breath afterwards!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I just saw a BIGGEST LOSER POST.

    The mileage there was 16:50....NOT 6:50....THAT Makes more sense!

    LOL - all this attention for a typo :) Thanks for sticking up for those of use who work are hardest and are still slow :)
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    It varys. I usually hit around 7:30-8. I am in this competition so I pushed myself to my limits. Ive been running for a long time. Even heavy in high school I averaged around the same 7:30-8.

    Anything is POSSIBLE if you put your mind to it and push your body to achieve the goals you want too.

    I agree it is possible. When I was just out of high school I started walk/jogging. In a few months I was running a whole 10 and over a mile and I was around 215 lbs.