Co-workers make me angry!!!



  • KeiKeiStar
    KeiKeiStar Posts: 10 Member
    Just as in all things, people will try to sabotage your success.

    Congratulations! But also, don't get so down on yourself about enjoying a cookie now and then. If you make the healthier choice MOST of the time, you should be able to have a treat without feeling guilty. And in respect to calories and sugar, Bananas are the highest sugar content fruits (thats why the serving size for a banana is 1/2 medium banana). But of course, they do come with more nutrients than the cookie. But as long as you stayed within your goal, don't worry about it...enjoy...keep up the good work...and let them keep eating big macs with diet cokes and see how it works out for them...
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    I wouldn't give it another thought.. obviously, they know nothing on the topic considering their current state. So I would just smile and say "Thanks for your insight" and continue to go on like you are. You have figured out the key to being healthier and losing weight.
  • Vahana
    Vahana Posts: 3 Member
    I have dealt with this almost exact same scenerio at my work...coupled with people bringing in sweets and junk food (it stares at me, I swear it!) It sounds like we are on a similar journey (I started at currently at 116 and my goal is to be at 105). What I did differently is I have made a concious effort to NOT talk to people about my life-changing journey. If someone asks me, I am more than happy to share...but I think us doing so well only makes people realize that they too need to make some pretty serious life changes and it makes them frustrated and they in turn lash out at those that are having ongoing success.
    Keep at it! Nothing will feel as good as looking (and feeling) your personal best....don't let their negativity get you down!
  • Dawn1084
    YES! So I work in a very small office with only 2 other girls and our boss. The one lady is older and LARGE but she does not seem to care about losing weight so whatever with her but the other girl is about 100 lbs overweight. So ever since I have started on my weight loss track she has been straggleing behind. I will grab a salad from chick fil a for lunch (Grilled chicken, no croutons, and I bring my own light dressing and put a dab on the plate and dip my fork in it.) she will get a fried chicken salad put 2 bags of croutons on it and the WHOLE packet of ranch dressing, then she will say something to our boss when he asks whats for lunch like "we are having salads because we are trying to lose weight"!!! Then we both joined the gym across the street from our office (well I did about 2weeks before her) but anyway I go at lunch and she has started going with me. I started out walking but now I run some days for 20 min then do 20 on the eliptical somedays the whole 40min I run/walk basically I SWEAT. Anyway she will walk on the treadmill at about 2mph for 10 min then walk around the gym looking at things. She says she does not like to sweat (even though we shower before returning to work) now she is only in her early 30s and weighs about 250 and is 5'8" so she is overweight but not like so overweight she should have a hard time working out she also has no injuries and believe me with as much as she loves attention and talking about herself we would know if she did. I guess what bugs me about all this is I am busting my *kitten* and eating clean 90% of the time. She is being lazy and not eating healthy and still tells eveyone that her and I are "workout buddies / diet buddies" and she complains all the time about how she is not losing weight and that "we" must be doind something wrong. I just want to yell "um not WE I have lost 17lbs sweetheart!) I wish she would either jump on or off because its getting old.
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Next time they comment on the slice of pizza or whatever your eating just tell them that you due to your exercise regime, a slice of pizza on occasion is not going to hurt anything whatso ever then look at them, smile and walk away if you can.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I have a little bit of a dark side, which would probably respond to such co-workers by saying something like: "Just think. Once those Big Macs kill you, you won't have to worry about what *I'm* eating."

    The healthier route would probably be to just thank them for their concern, assure them that moderation is being employed, and wish them well with their own weight loss efforts.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    being a bigger person as I am I relate to what they go through..

    For someone who loves food as much as I do its hard to take away what I love and enjoy. But I work at it.

    Its so easy to fall back into old routine then to try to fight off what it is that you crave the most. They may just need some encouragement to help them stay focused.

    its frustrating because you want the weight to come off more than anything but life gets in the way.

    I can't imagine you being only 135lbs can even begin to understand what a person that weights over 200lbs feels like when people look at them. Its easy to judge them when they complain about it but if only you really understood the difficulies it takes to begin a life changing routine.

    Please don't patronize me! I was a competitive gymnast for a very long time. When I quit and went through a lot of hardships I started self medicating with food. I gained thirty pounds. I struggled with junk food... I started eating when bored. The difference I think is accountability. I know I put myself in this situation and I have no one to blame but myself. That being said I am POSITIVE about wanting to change and wanting to do it for myself.

    To all the other posters thanks for your support. I will try and focus on myself and tune out the negative!
  • ladycasper
    ladycasper Posts: 16 Member
    No not quite the same problem... but I have co-workers and friends who keep telling me I am to skinny and I should stop losing weight.... Or when I talk about how I shouldn't have eaten some thing they say "For you it doesn't matter... you are good, you don't have to watch what you eat any more" or "you could stand to gain a few pounds" What they don't seam to get is it's not just a temporary "diet"... this is a life style change... if I just forget about watching what I eat and stop working out I will go straight back up to where I was.

    I am roughly 5 feet 4" tall and when I started working out and changing my diet back in May 2010 I was between 155lb and 160lb I am now between 125lb and 130lb. My goal weight is to be between 120lb and 125lb... From what I have read this is a slow and healthy weight loss and a healthy weight for me to be. I just try to tune them out and keep doing what I am doing. There are some who have thanked me though for talking about health and weight loss as it has motivated them to start going to the gym again etc...
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    I have a little bit of a dark side, which would probably respond to such co-workers by saying something like: "Just think. Once those Big Macs kill you, you won't have to worry about what *I'm* eating."
    Scratch my answer, I like this better! LOL
  • Cakepiebeer
    Scew them! Let them wallow in their own self misery. Nothing more annoying then somone with an extreme weight problem talkin **** to you about what you choose to eat
  • RocketsGirl75
    I have some that will tell me oh you can't have that....because they are watching me. Freaks! I tell them oh yes I can...I can have whatever the hell I want to and then the next time they are scarfing down something that is hideously bad I look up the calories and tell them how much fat and sodium and calories are in what they just ate. They pretty much stopped doing that after a while! LOL! Didn't like it when I turned it back on them.