Can bigger girls do the 30 Day Shred?



  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    This encourages me because i've wondered about trying it.
    I'll probably wait until I'm in TWOderland but I will definitely be
    checking out 30 DS
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I am 5'0 and 166lbs (was 186lbs) but yes you can! If I could do it, you can too!!!
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    Here is a blog I wrote back in June:

    On my way to be Shredded!

    I have joined in with some other MFP friends in doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I started 4 days ago along with my friends. Some started a day earlier, some a day later. Even though we are scattered all over the world, we are all feeling the same way. Sore by day 2, but feeling stronger by day 4. We are all at different fitness levels, but we are all getting through this...together. We share our feelings, give each other support and know exactly how hard we are all working to get shredded. Most of all, we are going to be a group of HOT SHREDDED LADIES by the time we are done. Even if it takes some of us another 30 days or 60 days or longer to the end result, we will all get there, and we will feel great! Knowing that we are working hard for this, WE, because I know I do, should be very proud of oursleves. Great work ladies!!!

    Today I completed Day 4 of Level 1 of the 30DS. Still sweating, but not as difficult as the first few days. I had a look at Level 2 and wrote down the exercises in each Circuit. I have to plan for holidays which are coming up at the end of next week. I will be starting Day 1 of Level 2 here at home and then Day 2, 3 & 4 will be while we are camping. Day 5 & 6 at home again. Then Day 7 & maybe 8 away again. So, it will be tough I think while on holidays, but I know I can do it. With the help of my MFP support team, I will do it.

    I can already see a change in my body and the way I feel. I feel strong and clothes are not fitting anymore...but in the good way...they are too big. I shared my first NSV on my wall the other day. While I was doing the cardio bits in the 30DS, my pants were almost falling off. All that jumping and less fat around my waist and hips, I almost lost my pants. LOL

    Keep up the great work ladies!
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    You can do anything you set your mind to!~

  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hah. Um no, his information is false. I don't do 30DS, but I do circuit training exercise plans and have been doing so for the past 4 weeks. I took a pic in my undies a week into doing the circuit training and I took one this morning in the same undies and it's soooo obvious that my body has transformed with the exercising I've been doing. I'm not a small cookie either; 5'9" and 220-ish pounds.

    So you should totally do it. Good luck and let us know how it goes!
  • 4cookiesmom
    Do it! I have it and haven't done it for 30 days, but have done a few workouts. I had to buy a more supportive bra. The "girls" didn't like all the jumping jacks.
    You can do anything...and then report back to us and that naysayer. Psssh on him. "girls" tried to do their own exercise routine too!
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    I was around 220 when I started it and was very able to do it! I lost 16 pounds with it..and loved it. It's tough at first but not so much so that you wouldn't be able to do it. He needs to get his facts straightened out, yeah it may help those who only have 10-15 pounds to lose tone, but it's going to help those who have more to lose just as much, if not more so! Plus it had modified versions of the exercises so if you can't do some right at first you can do the modified versions until your ready. Good Luck:)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I do 30 day shred and other jillian michaels DVDs all the time! you can see my weight in my ticker. i first did 30 day shred when i was about 215. I don't do only DVD workouts, i alternate with riding my exercise bike, so i do a jillian work out a few days per week. i think they're great work outs :)
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    don't listen to boys, they are stupid!

    I know, right?

    I almost grabbed a copy of the 30DS because I was thinking about trying it out, but my wife saw it and started saying/asking me if I just wanted to stare at Jillian Michaels and her "little helpers" for half an hour in the morning before work.

    So back to the elliptical and Star Trek on Netflix it is.
  • jayne51998
    I'm 5'5 and weigh 234lbs.
    I do the 30 day shred every day and have seen small results after just 4 days.
    Don't listen to them and do it.
    It's hard going but great fun. :bigsmile:
  • bgredenbaugh
    bgredenbaugh Posts: 65 Member
    Horse hockey! "Bigger" girls can do anything she sets her mind to!

    Look, anyone who works on building muscle will benefit from the 30 Day Shred!

    Muscle burns more calories than fat.

    It's a very efficient workout that gives you cardio + strength + abs.

    Don't be scared! You can do anything you set your mind to.

    Just use that schmuck's message as inspiration. "Oh yeah? Watch me!"
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    pffft, that guy who msgd you can stuff it! when i first did 30DS I was both skeptical about potential results and worried about my ability to perform any of the exercises because of my fitness level & weight (around 238) . After only 1 week I had lost what I consider to be a significant amt of inches overall. Mixing it up/doing it along with cardio is even better imo, if you want to see a bigger shift in the scale but its certainly good training all on its own. Don't let some ninnie bring you down, YOU can do what YOU put your mind to! :smile:
  • NakedDaisy
    At my highest weight I was 274 at 5'5.5", my husband and I started doing the 30 day shred and I lost 1 pant size in a week. Some of the moves were difficult for me, so I just did the modified moves. More recently we have been doing P90X, from which I have also seen results. I don't look my weight I have always been more muscle than fat and "wear" my weight very well. You can do anything you set your mind to, I never thought I could run three miles but now I do it at least once a week. It really is all up to you, how bad do you want it and how much your heart is in it. Good luck!

  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    Don't listen to that maroon. Anyone can do it and if you give it your all and eat right you should see results. I'm on Day 5 :)
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    That guy is absolutely wrong, go for it! And for the record, I weigh 127 lbs and 30DS kicked my *kitten*. Still have yet to do it for 30 days in a row! :grumble:
  • jumcadam
    jumcadam Posts: 95 Member
    You go for it!

    I've just finished Day 1 of 30DS - it's tough but I find Jillian really motivating!

    Don't let the b*ggers bring you down!

  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    That would be like someone saying someone who's 300 pounds shouldn't go on the Biggest Loser because they're not BIG enough. Nonsense! It's a great cardio interval workout with a toning component. As long as you're breathin' heavy, sweating, and feeling challenged, do whatever YOU WANT in order to lose the weight - because at the end of the day, you have to do something that you're interested in and motivated by in order to stay focused. And to all the naysayers, tell them to buzz off :)
  • JediMaster_intraining
    You CAN do it! I didn't get much weight loss results but i lost inches. That's what helps you fit into new jeans! Screw that person! :) I believe in you!
  • mrshickey
  • Jessicaallen48
    On level 1 on the 30DS video, Jillian says that she trains people who are over 400lbs that do those moves! ANY exercise helps. :) If you put 100% into it, you will come out with results