Want to lose weight before getting pregnant...

My daughter is almost 6 months old. My boyfriend and I want another baby...SOON! We decided that it would be best for me to lose some weight before we get pregnant again because it will be better for my pregnancy and the baby. And my health in general. My boyfrind is SO supportive! He's buying me and elliptical this weekend so that I can workout while I'm at home. I've started watching what I eat today and am serious about logging it everyday! We decided that 20 pounds is a good place to start before getting pregnant and then to continue being active while pregnant. We're aiming for the weight loss to happen in the next month or so. Any ideas for safe/healthy maximum weight loss?


  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Congrats on your daughter and planning for another. Im also trying to get fit before trying. Im just watching my calories and upping my exercise.

    I try not to spend too much money on exercise so I mainly walk/jog, Jillian Michaels fitness DVD's and a zumba class a week.

    Good luck x