MS and exertion pain

tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
edited October 2 in Fitness and Exercise
Any other MSers out there or people who work with training MSers?

I get bad neuro pain, especially in my legs, when I exert myself hard. I can avoid it by keeping my workouts easier, but I'm a competitive person and push myself too much. so I end up in pain, and then get feeling defeated, and then get to feeling like I'm doomed to not be able to workout properly at all. and wind up doing not much.

I have had some success with HIIT, and enjoy dancing (which seems to get me around the pain), and I can lift without much problem, but what I REALLY want is to be able to run. any ideas of training styles that could get me there?


  • kitkatkait
    kitkatkait Posts: 87 Member
    c25k might start you out slow enough, or at least give you ideas on how to start.

    good luck!
  • ajl88
    ajl88 Posts: 3 Member
    So I'm a physical therapy student, and I have some ideas for you. First I would start small on your goal to running. If you have access to a treadmill you can start with walking for a warm up and then maybe jogging at an easy pace for a 1/4 mile or so, and then walk again for another 1/4 mile, and so on. This will give your legs some time recover in between jogging and help you get further. With time you can bump it up to maybe 1/2 a lap jog and 1/4 lap walk, etc. Also, weight lifting for you lower body will be really helpful for you in your goal. If you can keep your legs strong through lifting you'll be in a better position to run later. I suggest things like squats, lunges, and dead lifts. Keeping your hamstrings and your gluts strong will be one of your best bets to getting to your goal! Strength and cardio are equally important in an exercise routine, so switching off which one you do each day will be beneficial as well! Hope this helped!
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    tka, my wife has MS and she does ok but when it is hot she gets exsasperated and needs to just rest for a few minutes. Keep up the good work, so much of MS is countered by having good leg and core strength.

    Take care, and be well.
  • tkacomet
    tkacomet Posts: 73 Member
    thanks, all of you. that really does help.

    (I hate lunges)

    okay, lunges. here we go... ;)
  • ajl88
    ajl88 Posts: 3 Member
    Good Luck! hope you get back to running!
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