Moment of Truth

When did you KNOW it was time to get it together and lose the weight? Did you have an "a-ha" moment?

My first trigger was when my knees started to hurt for the first time since a surgery years ago... I had been in denial until then. It forced me to get on a scale, which made everything abundantly clear. Too much weight on weak knees = pain

I ignored this fact anyway....Next moment--One day I realized I was having trouble TYING MY SHOES. That was it. If I couldn't tie my shoe, how can I consider becoming a parent? (not there yet, but starting to think about it).

What was YOUR moment? I'm curious :) I've had many, since I tend to be a yo-yo er, but this was the worst and I think it's enough to make me commit to a new lifestyle. So far so good.


  • rockstarginaa
    rockstarginaa Posts: 1,529 Member
    When I saw myself in pictures at some events and when I stepped on the scale and saw that I was coming in on 150lbs. Never again!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    When I fell asleep rocking myself to get out of the chair.........
  • katejolee
    katejolee Posts: 50 Member
    I seen a picture of me post baby and almost didn't recognize myself !! and yes my knees got painful especially the back of them and tying my daughters shoes i needed to hold my breath !!

    Thank god i've moved on from there !
  • jayne51998
    I have always been overweight but never worried about it as I was "happy"
    A few weeks ago I was thinking that I would have loved another baby, This got me feeling broody, so I decided to try and drop the weight and try for a baby before my time runs out.

    I think it's wonderful what one single solitary thought can push you to do. :happy:
  • RachelT14
    RachelT14 Posts: 266 Member
    I realised that when the weather got colder i would need to buy new clothes because my winter ones were very shabby, the realisation that i would have to buy them in a bigger size than the ones i had, which were getting a bit tight brought home to me just how big i had got. I plan to wear the shabby stuff for as long as i can, it is now loose and then buy myself new clothes in a lovely smaller size.
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    When I fell asleep rocking myself to get out of the chair.........

    Aha ha! Very good!
  • chocolattahottie
    today when I found out my weight is contributing to my health =(
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I knew I was gaining weight, although very very slowly. But I refused to admit that. My favorite store keeps making the pants bigger and bigger so I stayed with the same size...until early this year when I saw my sister-in-law, who lost half of herself through workingo out and counting calories. Seeing that she now was skinnier than me, really motivated me. Haha, I'm not jealous or competing with her but simply felt...inspired.
  • slbeutler
    My moment was when the scale got to 199.6. There was no way I was going to get to 200 pounds. Also, my kids making comments to me about my stomach or asking when I am going to get skinny again. Seeing pictures of myself has also been a good reminder.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For me it was a health scare for my husband. Thank God it turned out to be nothing crtiical, but I realized the same would happen to me soon if I didn't get off my bum and start exercising regularly again.
  • ReginaB13
    ReginaB13 Posts: 87 Member
    All wonderful thoughts, everyone----Good motivators. I'm glad your here with me!
  • cbrister07
    cbrister07 Posts: 34 Member
    I had complained constantly about my weight and how unhappy and miserable it made me feel. One day that light bulb went off and I decided that I could either continue to complain or do something about it. So the last week of July this year I decided to start my journey. This is the longest I've ever dieted. I usually diet less than a week. So far so good on this and I've lost 27 pounds. It's not a diet, it is a change of lifestyle and I think I can live with this lifestyle change.
  • ReginaB13
    ReginaB13 Posts: 87 Member
    I had complained constantly about my weight and how unhappy and miserable it made me feel. One day that light bulb went off and I decided that I could either continue to complain or do something about it. So the last week of July this year I decided to start my journey. This is the longest I've ever dieted. I usually diet less than a week. So far so good on this and I've lost 27 pounds. It's not a diet, it is a change of lifestyle and I think I can live with this lifestyle change.

    27 lbs since July---That's a huge accomplishment!!!
  • SparkleKittie
    For me, it was the last time I was picked on by a boyfriend (and not the first) for my weight. I had just had it. Absolutely had it. I couldn't feel sorry for myself any more. He was a ****, yes. But I was fat, and I deserved way better for myself besides a better boyfriend. :P
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    pictures, I saw some recent pictures of myself and I looked pregnant. I'm only about 20lbs over weight but want to make a life style change now before it becomes more.
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    It was a couple of things really.
    I eat relatively healthy when I'm working, and I was looking at a co worker, thinking, it's no suprise you're big if you eat like that (white bread cheese sandwiches, chocolate bar and mini cheddars), then realising, actually, somehow, she's lost loads of weight. Her uniform was now HUGE while mine was getting tighter and tighter, sitting there eating wholemeal sandwiches and fruit.
    Also, I start 13 hour shifts soon, and if these uniform pants are any tighter, my stomach will be bleeding from the waistband by the time I get home.