earthquake weight....

:happy: HI!! today is day 3 of my journey to my former self, but day one on here, I live in christchurch New Zealand, and have put on alot of weight ( here in chch it is commonly know as earthquake weight), partly due to alot of stress. Most of you wont know but my city is in ruins, we have been plauged by over 7000 earthquakes in the last year, and have lost alot of our former lives, friends family, buildings roads and spirtis around here are low. I decided after looking back at some recent photos that enough is enough, I need to get my self out fo this funk and get my life back on track. No more excuses, I think I am going to need a but of support and woudl love someone to helop me along this journey, I am re building my self inside and out and trying to heal some of the hurt mother nature has cast upon us here. If any one would like to come along and share stories of thier progress and life, contact me, I need a buddy !


  • AnAntInSpace
    Heyyy I've heard a lot about the earthquakes I have an online friend who lives in Christchurch and also friends of the family that moved there a few years ago. Also there were alot of news coverage about it over here (England) .

    I know you can get past this :) good luck on your jouney and feel free to add me if you want to <3
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I had heard of some of the CHCH earthquakes, but I didn't realize there had been that many of them in the past year. WOW! No wonder you are stressed.
    Good luck getting everything under control. I know you can do it.
  • whatwentwrong
    i have a friend in christchurch, and holy crap no wonder you're stress eating. good luck to you and i sincerely hope that they stop occurring soon, and you don't get any more big ones :/
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    Darlin, things just sometimes happen in our lives. If we dwell on the negative it will only bring us down more. Grab what you can to focus on ... preferably good and positive and you will rise above everytime.

    Two years ago, if I had focused on the neg/bad in my life, I doubt if I'd be where I am at today. Keep your chin up... you too can and will rise out of everything.
  • lyngordon42
    lyngordon42 Posts: 22 Member
    Wow, sorry to read of the stress you and your countrymen are facing. Stress does take it toll on the body and mind.
    hoping you find some support here and a way to lift your spirits while you take care of yourself!!!
  • Kiwi_Chickie
    thanks guys !!! Yip it has been a hell of a ride, but, this will give me something to re focus on, I cant wait for my first weigh in next week, fingers crossed there will be a aim is between 500grams to 1 kg, I dont want to set it to high ..just in case :)
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    *hugs* to you sweetie, and here's to finding ways to love and nurture yourself that are more healthy than food.

    Practicing gratitude in the face of adversity is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself.

  • jo_can_do
    jo_can_do Posts: 49 Member
    Hey there...... This earthquake weight is the last straw huh? Time we reshape ourselves while we rebuild our city!!! :wink: