Well, Hello There! Ü

Hello, I've been using this site for almost a month now, but this is the first time I'm posting anything.
I have a blog http://backto140.wordpress.com/ that documents my journey. I'm 24 years old. I've always been on the heavy side, but my weight skyrocketed when I was in University and it got really out of hand when I started working. I graduated high school weighing 140 lbs, I graduated college at 190 lbs, and after three years of employment, my weight was at an all-time high of 255 lbs.
I decided almost a month ago, August 25,2011, that enought was enough. I wanted to be healthy and look great. It's been a slow start for me. So far, I've lost 9 lbs. No crash diets for me this time around. I'm looking at a lifestyle change. The 9-lb. weight loss came from being more careful about my choices and watching my calorie intake.
I haven't started to exercise. But I plan to--in the near future.
I still eat junk at the moment, as I've said, I'm starting slow, but I plan on limiting that.

I go to this site to monitor my calorie intake but I figured , I might as well take advantage of all the benefits of the site.

So, hello there, I'm looking for friends who can help make this journey not just bearable but actually fun!


  • hey :)

    i just started posting some today. My highest weight was also 255. I've been on a basically steady diet since Late Nov. 09. For about a month, in June, i was off, but late August (20th) I got back on, and I've been back on it ever since. I've lost about 27 lbs since then. But, since being on a steady diet, I've lost 23 lbs. (I lost a few lbs before I really started dieting.) I've been on and off diets for years, to where now, I can't seem to function right if I'm not on one. I'm working on a lifestyle change also, I will have to to be able to lose the rest of the weight that i want to and to maintain. I've quit drinking soda. Or, I have one every week or so, or less. I'm very cautious about portion size and the sodium that I'm having.Also, I don't eat past 8:30 pm. I exercise but not to the extreme. Also, if you have the chance, look into wii fit, i thought it was lame at first. lol. But, it actually makes the exercising more fun. It keeps track of how much you lose. Counts how many calories you burn. It's really nice.

    Nice going on the 9lbs so far :) Every lb counts! Wish you luck on your weight loss journey.
  • mmoonstars
    mmoonstars Posts: 103 Member
    your story sounds really similar to mine, feel free to add me, more friends on MFP rock in making goals and keeping you going!
  • Thank you for the tips. :) And good luck on your weight loss as well. :)

    MFP really rocks! It's very helpful in making sure I stay on track.

    Added you as friends.