Completely creepy true story!



  • cupcakecarnivore
    Not creepy at all. The communion of saints were on your side! Anthony is the patron saint who is known to help those who have lost something. Catholics commonly say this prayer..."Tony, Tony, turn around. Somethings lost and can't be found."

    Not sure it this bit of trivia is "too religious" for the new moderators.

    So glad that you found your ring!


    I was just getting ready to post that St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost/stolen articles. Not creepy at all, one time I had lost my checkbook for almost 3 weeks. Was completely stressed about it. One afternoon while searching in tears I just sat down on the couch looked up and said "Okay God, I could really use some help here..." immediately an image flashed into my mind of where it a tote bag in the garage. Sure enough I found it seconds later!

    No idea that St. Anthony was even a saint (Im the least religious person ever...more spirtual than anything), and that he's a saint of lost articles is pretty cool! Wow!

    Its definitely weird how the mind works...and whether or not it was a visit from my aunt from the beyond or my subconscious mind at work....its pretty cool both ways:)

    Im still sort of in shock that I actually found the ring at the bottom of a completely filled garbage bag (good thing the neighbors weren't out, because then I really would have looked nutso going through the garbage at 1:00 am lol). It was literally at the very bottom of the bag in a pile of coffee grounds.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Awesome! Glad you found it!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
  • Hirundo
    Hirundo Posts: 148 Member
    A bit creepy, yes, maybe but, you're not crazy !!!

    Think Anthony could help me to find my passport ??? ;)
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I dont believe in ghosts or prolific dreams, but good story! Is kinda eery
  • HeidiYogi
    HeidiYogi Posts: 81 Member
    Very cool story, Jen - love it and I totally believe it was your Aunt looking out for you! :) Thanks for sharing...xoxo, -Heidi.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I don't think you're crazy at all. What a great story. I'm so glad you found your ring. :flowerforyou: