Why did your previous weight loss program fail?



  • 76claire
    76claire Posts: 13 Member
    Atkins - I didn't do it properly and just stayed in the induction phase, hardly eating any carbs. I did lose weight but I had no energy and felt unhealthy because I was eating no fruit and very little veg. As soon as I stopped Atkins and just tried to eat healthy I regained all the weight I had lost.

    Slimming World - this did work initially but it didn't teach me portion control so my weight plateau'd. Also, I got tired of not being able to mix carbs and protein.

    Weight Watchers - I was hungry all the time.

    The best thing about MFP is being able to see how many calories I'm consuming. Suddenly I understand why I wasn't losing weight before.
  • Kikilicious84
    Actually mine didn't fail...I just got pregnant and can't seem to lose the weight from this one (18 month old).

    I was doing calorie counting and working on losing and decresing body fat when I found out I was pregnant. I ran and lifted durning pregnancy along with counting cals and still gained 50lbs.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I actually succeded in my last effort of diet and execise and then I had an injury to my foot. For 5 years I battled plantar fasciitis. Now that that is gone ai am back on track, but I had a long way to go, over 8olbs!
  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    They worked as long as I stayed on the diet. I still love Weight Watchers. That was the easiest diet I have ever been on. Yet..I gained back all my weight plus more..when I stopped going to the meetings.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    I just got really bored. Trying to calculate my points for WW just really started to piss me off (both times I tried it) . :)
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    In 2009 I lost a total of 90 pounds the old fashion way.............working out and watching my calories and what I eat. No fades for me!!! The reason why I failed and gained back more than half the weight was because I worked out too much and I burned myself out. I found myself slipping a little here and a little there until I just gave up on my healthy lifestyle. This time will be different because I've found MFP and I have a wonderful support system of folks that are going through my same challenges. I find so much motivation from my MPF friends and seeing what they are doing. I refuse to go back to what I use to be and I have friends that will kick my *kitten* if I get lazy. :happy: :laugh:
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I would cheat, or thought I was eating something good but without measuring it, I was eating more calories than I should. And I tried to restrict too many things all at one. I made a list of things I couldn't eat or do. I didn't realize everything in moderation is better than cutting somethings out completely. And I was in it for the wrong reasons, other people, etc. This time around I'm doing it for me, my health, my kids, and my self esteem. It's so much easier to stick to for the right reasons and with the right tools/support.
  • HanneK
    HanneK Posts: 54 Member
    Because I didn't stick to it. I eat healty food, and worked out, but in secret I ate junk, sweets and chocolate. I didn't have the willpower or the determination to follow though my diet and work out plan so I gave in to cravings. At last I just gave up.
  • NinjaMonkey201
    I got lazy. Instead of "looking" at what to eat, I just grabbed the quick, easy answer. And once that happened, I lost all motivation to keep going forward and stick to it.
  • jeffwaller3
    I'm the type of person who's good at doing things at first so I always do good whenever I start on a weight loss program but I can't help myself from eating lots of sweets. I also get lazy doing exercises so everyday I cut a few minutes with my allotted time for exercising until I completely have no time for it at all. Recently I started on low calorie desserts so that I could start lowering down my calorie intake without getting rid of sweets still.
