Why is MFP better than the competition?



  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    The people. That is all.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I think MFP is a lot easier to use than other websites, especially when entering food and exercise. The calorie balance system really helps people get in the right mindset of exercising and eating well to lose weight.

    I have a lot less issues loading the webpages here as well. It's a great rarity that I EVER have a technical problem.

    I love the community aspect here as well. Someone always gets back to you when you post something and the advice is always fantastic. Also, there is rarely any negativity or vulgarness. I call MFP: Facebook for Exercisers.

    Some websites have a LOT of amped up public relations... they seem to be bigger than what they really are. I hate when a website sounds like it has a large community and it really doesn't. With MFP, you get exactly what you want.

  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    MFP isn't a system or a diet or a weight loss plan. It is a site to assist you in your efforts to get healthier. YOU alone figure out how to go about that. With MFP YOU have to OWN IT, because no one else will. It's your life, you gotta figure out how to live it. The people on the site are like minded and always willing to offer an opinion and a helpful tip.
  • lmethven
    I have tried almost all diets, slimming tools you name it, for me MFP is/gives me;
    - Flexiblity in choice of healthy eating approaches
    - Motivation from my peers/the forum
    - Ease of use to maintain/track what when etc
    - Wide selection of pre-added forms so I am not forever adding food items
    - Friendly
    - Gives me greater access to other people who are in similar situations for the not so great days
    - most importantly it is free, so I do not feel pressured to use it to get my money's worth or worry about paying subs.

    I am really really impressed which what I have seen and how I am finding using MFP, even started raving about it to others too!