Losing belly fat and cardio exercise question

Hello all,

I have lost a good deal of weight and I carry most of my weight now really between my waist (belly button) down to my upper legs. I am dealing with a hernia so no strength training for me right now. I do about 30-40 minutes of rigorous cardio a day (elliptical, arc trainer) alternating between weight loss and interval modes and I always up the intensity. I can see my hard work is showing results in my thighs and buttocks and my upper torso is pretty trim. It's just that stomach/abdonminal area that is my problem. I know that spot reduction doesn't work - so if I keep doing the cardio every day will that area start to shrink eventually?


  • sarahi2009
    sarahi2009 Posts: 285 Member
    I know how you feel. I carry my weight all over but mainly on my belly area. Yes, you can't really target fat so but cardio works great to reduce it. I say keep up doing your cardio and eventually you will see results. I am doing the same thing but not as intense as you, I am not working on my belly, the muscle is there I can feel it but the fat seems to really be attached to them...lol...keep on keeping ;)
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Unfortunately, we can't choose how our bodies store fat. That is genetic. As you know, exercising a targeted area will not reduce fat there. If it did, people who chew gum would have skinny faces. (Covert Bailey). So, the only thing you can do is to continue to work on your total body fat and eventually that area will lose fat as well. It just may be the last place that turns it loose. When you have overcome the hernia issues, exercising that area will certainly tone the muscles up and muscle burns more calories and will help your core body strength which will help you lose more fat, etc., etc.

    You know the routine. Eat right and get exercise. Be patient, it will happen.

    Best of luck!
  • runnermel
    keep at it, you will see results!! also, watch your sodium, which makes us retain fluid around our bellies. Also, I have read where stress makes us gain weight around our belly, especially for women. so, I have been trying to remind myself of that throughout the day. not to let myself get overwhelmed and take each task at a time. also, started doing yoga to relieve some stress and man, I love it. hope this helps. I have 30 pounds to lose, and I am pretty sure that 29.5 of it is around my belly! lol
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    My mom told me (she said a trainer at the ymca told her this), that the best cardio machines to lose belly fat are the ones standing up, like elliptical and treadmill. Which I guess makes sense, because being on the bikes we have at my gym, takes a while to burn any significant amount of calories, because I'm really just sitting there working out my legs. But on the treadmill or elliptical I'm working my whole body. So if this logic is right, then what you're doing should help! Your stomach could be one of the last places fat will come from. (I hold mine there and my back). When you can, a great exercise that has helped me see reduction in my stomach are double leg raises, where you lie on your back, and raise your legs up, then slowly lower them down, but not al the way to the ground. I used to do these a lot, I'd just be lying there watching tv and do them, and I could really tell my stomach was getting smaller!

    Good luck! :)