Type 1 Diabetic

Hey everyone. I am a type 1 diabetic. My doctor recommended this site when I was talking to her about my weight loss (or lack there of) frustration. I am on an insulin pump. my problem is that I am not only insulin dependent but i'm also insulin resistant. I know that weight loss will help with the resistance but it just becomes a viscous cycle. The more weight you gain the more insulin you need .. the more insulin you take the more weight you gain. i have been exercising but once again that cycle comes into play. I go for a walk/run and a couple hours later I bottom out and have to eat carbs to get my sugar back up.
Does anyone have any ideas??? My doctor did show me how to use temp. basals so that maybe the exercise will not make me bottom out with exercise. Just frustrated before I really ever get started.


  • I had the same exact problem as you. I found that when I ate breakfast, then went to the gym, I wouldn't need much insulin. I would give myself half of what I would normally need for that specific amount of food. When I would come home from the gym I would wait about an hour before checking my blood sugar and then I would correct it as needed. Most of the time though I didn't even need to correct it and needed very little insulin. Exercising definitely reduces the amount of insulin that you need. I am not sure what time of day you exercise but it works out for me to do it in the morning. If I do it at the end of the day I tend to go high and stay there until the following morning. Also, my nutritionist did recommend eating a high protein meal or bar instead of carbs if I work out in the afternoon so that I don't bottom out. Hope this helps!
  • nsblue
    nsblue Posts: 331 Member
    I am not type 1 but type 2 so i know what i may do may be slightly different. 2 years ago i started to get healthy...started on a 1500 cal diabetic diet then in march this year went to 1200 cal and started walking. I was on 90u in am n 80u in pm 2 years ago. today i am on 3u in the am .

    Diabetes can be controlled with diet and exercise IMO... with type 1, i realize a diabetic child can really experience alot of fluctuations due to growth... but with careful monitoring one can usually gage how your own body works with food & exercise and act accordingly.

    I hope you find balance and be able to live healthy with your diabetes