Howdy from Vegas

Hi everyone, my name is Cynthia and I'm excited about giving myfitnesspal a try. I've tried for many many years to lose weight on Weight Watchers and have never even come close to goal, so maybe I need to try a new method.

I turned 50 this year and am changing careers. I'll be busy as a full time grad student which means lots of sitting around reading tons of research and various other literature so I'm hoping being accountable to this website will get me off my chair now and then to do some kind of exercise.

I am married, no children or pets. A big reason for my coming to myfitnesspal is to get some kind of physical fitness. I don't know if I'm just masochistic, but I have a lot of fit friends and they like to hike, camp, ski, and participate in all kinds of physical activity and I would like to join them, or at least when I do, not hold them back. Life is to be lived, not watched!