calories for stair climbing

I work on the 5th floor and have started taking the stairs as much as possible. Is there a way to keep track of all my trips up and down? And maybe add them all together at the end of the day . I know each flight is 25 stairs, so..... how can I figure this out?
:wink: I appreciate any advice anyone can offer.


  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    time how long it takes you to climb the flight of stairs once- then multiply your time by how many times you go up per day- then put that number into the diary/

    So I did it for my weight (yours might be lower or higher)
    say it takes you 3 minutes to climb the stairs once
    and you cluimbe them 5 times a day
    3min x 5times = 15 minutes
    calories burned for walking, upstairs for 15 min = 112

    Good luck!
  • farrellb2
    stopwatch on your phone or ipod?
  • sherrylwilson
    sherrylwilson Posts: 31 Member
    I would like to know too. I do the stairs at work during breaks and lunch. When I first started doing them last November I could only do 8 minutes and felt like I was going to die. I now can do 30 minutes without stopping and it is much easier.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    Under cardio in the exercise thing it does have a "walking, upstairs" on it. I don't know how accurate that is.. but that's an idea. Just track how much time it takes you to up and down and then add it up! :)
  • JamsAlex
    JamsAlex Posts: 21 Member
    I have starting taking taking the stairs at work when I get an opportunity. I haven't been logging anything but have been meaning to try and research it. I am finding that most common answer is 10 calories per flight of steps. It does depend on many factors but that seems to be the consensus.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    You'll be surprised how little time it takes. Don't log it
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    first of all kudos on the stair workouts! they aren't easy in the beginning!

    i walk up and down the stairs on the beach as part of my workouts, they're between 25 and 30 steps, counting up then down again as 1, if i do 25 flights it generally takes me 20mins and for my weight i burn between 250 to 300 calories (according to my hrm)

    so you could either time yourself and enter it into your exercises on mfp, I think there is a "walk stairs" option, or invest in a heart rate monitor, I bought a real cheap one and it might not be 100% accurate but at least it gives me a general number to work with! :)
  • emirror
    emirror Posts: 842 Member
    I just figured out how to program the phone app to track this.

    Going up ONE stair burns .11 calorie.

    Going down ONE stair burns .05 calorie.

    Go into your app, go to add entry. Click on Cardiovascular.

    Click Create New Exercise. Title it "Walking up stairs, one minute equals one stair". In "Minutes performed" put 9. In "Calories burned" put 1. Click "Add now". Then go back into the entry that is now logged in your daily log, and put in the number of stairs you climbed in the "Minutes performed" section. Viola! You now have a formula to calculate how many calories you burned for walking up each stair!

    Click Create New Exercise. Title it "Walking down stairs, one minute equals one stair". In "Minutes performed" put 20. In "Calories burned" put 1. Click "Add now". Then go back into the entry that is now logged in your daily log, and put in the number of stairs you climbed in the "Minutes performed" section. There you go! For every 20 stairs you go down, you'll get credit for one calorie!

    Hope that helps! I was pretty tickled to figure that out! :-D