MFP The Biggest Loser Yellow Team***Closed Group***



  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Kristi, I'm soooo bummed!!!!! Gosh darn it anyways. I was so hoping we'd all make it through this week. I know you're not in anymore, but please stick with us! You're so encouraging, and I loved being on your team.

    Chris, we GOT this! We have to keep on making in through so Team Yellow represents at the end. I'm so not thrilled about the Burpees....but I'll do my best. I don't know what to set as a goal. How many a day do you think? I'll probably tackle it like I did the sit ups and do so many reps at a time....I wonder how many a day will keep us safe? I'm off to do at least 50 tonight....
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Me too! I'm so so so bummed about losing you, Kristi. :sad: I really thought maybe this week we'd all be safe, but I just got lucky with my scale since I didn't beat Don in anything either. I'll definitely have to ramp it up this week. But please do stay with us, like Stacey said - we are all a great team together, even when we are getting booted off. We are still here for you - and your machine-like workouts definitely inspire me!

    @Stacey - we've definitely got this!!! I hope. LOL. I know we can get through this week if we work hard. Sounds like several of the participants won't even be able to do them at all, which is totally a bummer for them. :( I wish everybody could win immunity every week! I guess that would defeat the purpose, though. LOL.

    I'm not sure on the numbers either - I've been trying to figure it out in my head to even come up with an estimate. I guess I'll just have to get going on them and see how I'm doing. I'm guessing I'll end up aiming for a few hundred a day total in multiple reps? Maybe 500 or so a day if I can manage it? Who knows, once I get started I might find I can even do more, or that there is no way I can do that many. I hate it when I can't make an educated guess and goal for the challenge! :huh:

    Let's just work our butts off and kill some major calories this week! GO TEAM YELLOW!!
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    AWWWWW. So sad, i hope you guys make it to the top three. Great job. you rocked the challenges. thats some great great workouts
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    So, these Burpees can go flly a kite. 'Nuff said.
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    So, these Burpees can go flly a kite. 'Nuff said.

    LOL. Stacey - you aren't loving those yet?? :) I'm actually kind of liking them. Of course it's easy to say that right now because I'm not doing them at the moment. In the midst of things - they aren't my favorite thing in the world.

    I'm really, really, really hoping I can get enough in to win immunity this week. I've been doing them like crazy. I'm leaving tonight for a short vacation to visit my sister for the next four days, and I'm afraid my meals over the next few days won't be as healthy as usual. My guess is that I will probably put on a little weight and be up at the weigh-in this week, so I really need that immunity!!! I'll still be working out at her house (I can use her elliptical, and go jogging outside if there isn't too much snow) and I'll keep doing those burpees like no tomorrow. Hopefully that will contain some of the damage at least. And I will try to make good food choices, although she is a bad influence on me that way. That's the downside of her being such a great cook - she's already talking about pumpkin sweet rolls and cheese dip and all those delicious but awful things. LOL. Wish me luck!

    Keep up the good work with those burpees, and let's both make it through this elimination week!!!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    I did not do well with the Burpees. They're really hard on my knees. I ended up with a sad 72. I feel pretty much like a failure on that front. But....I did lose 3.8 this week, so I'm hoping that's enough to keep me safe. I'm really happy about my loss this week. i think starting C25K shocked my body, and I had a small loss last week, so it makes sense that I dropped 3+ this week. Here's hoping that we're both still in it after tomorrow, Chris! I'm sure your burpess will save you!
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Hi Stacey, that sucks about those Burpees being tough for you. They are definitely some hard work and can be pretty high impact at times. That is awesome about your weight loss this week, though!!! I definitely think that will keep you here. It sounds like a lot of people had trouble with the challenge this week.

    I really rocked the challenge, but it better be enough because I gained a little weight this week, as expected. I did 2920 Burpees (I was trying to do 500 a day on most of the days) so I *THINK* that might be enough? I sure hope so. I put on 1.2 pounds this week which I don't love, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I didn't eat as healthy as I usually do on my trip, that's for sure. But I tried to get in as much exercise as I could to mitigate the damage, so I think that helped a little. And starting today I'm back to my normal routine.

    Let's hope we can both make it through this week!!! :)
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    Wow. Looks like almost everyone had a rough week with the scale. I hope I'm not going home. I know I'd be safe with my loss, but made I was out burpeed? I'm anxious to see the episode tomorrow. How many people are going? The bottom 6?
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    I think you will definitely be safe. I don't remember for sure how many people are going....but it sounds like a LOT of people gained weight and most people didn't do very many burpees. Tira actually double-checked with me to make sure I didn't have a typo because apparently I did WAY more than everyone else. I told her I hope nobody thinks I'm lying or cheating!!! :(

    So I can't say for sure, but it looks like I'll probably get immunity (which I need because I gained a little) and I really think you will be safe just with your weight loss. You had a great number, so I think that will probably save you. I sure hope we both make it anyway - I'm loving this competition (and our new Turtle Team comp too)!!! :)
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    I hope both make it....I keep checking to see if it's posted yet. I'm anxious. I'm sure you'll be safe! You did such an awesome job with the burpees, and you know you did them so that's what matters. And I believe you too!
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Yay! We both made it! What a rotten week overall, though. That would sure be nice if we could all lost the 40 pounds and bring some people back. I'm not sure if that's too likely - it would be an average of 3.3 pounds per person this week, which is a lot! Especially for some of our smaller people in the whole group. But I bet we can get the 25 at least and keep everybody safe. I'm trying to be optimistic, though, and aim for the higher number. :) With all that running/walking from our Turtle challenge, it should help get us on the way, right?

    I know you had a really big loss last week, so I'm hoping you can pull at least a small number this week. I know for me that it's hard to have 2 big losses in a row. But I know you will do your very best, and are working your butt off (literally!) And if everyone else does the same, I think we will all be safe for this week. Cross your fingers and keep up the great work! That would sure be cool if one of us made it to the final 3 or 4. GO YELLOW!!!! :happy:
  • GO YELLOW!!!!!!! GET TO LOOSING THAT WEIGHT SO YOU CAN BRING ME BACK IN AND I CAN KICK @SS FOR YOU LADIES!!!!! :o) How are you all doing with the Motivation Matters stuff??
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    GO YELLOW!!!!!!! GET TO LOOSING THAT WEIGHT SO YOU CAN BRING ME BACK IN AND I CAN KICK @SS FOR YOU LADIES!!!!! :o) How are you all doing with the Motivation Matters stuff??

    That's what I'm hoping for! I know Stacey and I are working our butts off, so I hope all the rest of the teams are too. I really want to hit that 40 pounds overall so we can bring you back!!! :) The MM competition is super fun and is definitely helping with my numbers. I wondered how 2 competitions at a time would go, but at least this week it's been a great combo since TBL is just about the weight. Not sure how it will be once we have two separate sets of physical challenges. Maybe I'll weight 90 pounds in 5 weeks. LOL

    Cross your fingers for us that everybody pulls off great numbers this week - I know I will!!! :) GO TEAM YELLOW!!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    I hope I survive this week. I lost over a pounds, but you just never know how that'll hold up against everyone else. I'm hoping we lost 25 so no one goes. And even better would be 40 so we can bring Kristy back!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    Okay, hopefully everyone found this thread.

    What are everyone's ideas for our menu? I can collect the info and send it to Don/Tira by Friday deadline.

    I'm thinking we need to make it relatively simple ingredients wise, and keep it something that most everyone would like to eat.

    So ideas? Ready, Set, Go!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    One idea I have for dinner is white bean pumpkin chili. Bonus is hidden veggies with the pumpkin. It's super easy to make--just fry some turkey and dump it in the crock pot with the rest of the ingredients. No making multiple dishes. Just serve with some FF sour cream and/or shredded cheese if you want.

    What do you all normally eat for breakfast? I'm stuck on this one, because I usually just make some instant cream of wheat, add 1 tsp peanut butter and eat some fruit.

    Lunch: Something easily portable, in case whoever making it is in a work setting? I'm stuck on this one, too.

    Snacks: I love whole wheat pitas with hummus. Fresh fruit. Oh, I also love to use one of those instant ranch dip packets and I mix it with Greek Yogurt instead of sour cream. Makes awesome ranch dip for a good snack.
  • rachdlew
    rachdlew Posts: 108
    One idea I have for dinner is white bean pumpkin chili. Bonus is hidden veggies with the pumpkin. It's super easy to make--just fry some turkey and dump it in the crock pot with the rest of the ingredients. No making multiple dishes. Just serve with some FF sour cream and/or shredded cheese if you want.

    What do you all normally eat for breakfast? I'm stuck on this one, because I usually just make some instant cream of wheat, add 1 tsp peanut butter and eat some fruit.

    Lunch: Something easily portable, in case whoever making it is in a work setting? I'm stuck on this one, too.

    Snacks: I love whole wheat pitas with hummus. Fresh fruit. Oh, I also love to use one of those instant ranch dip packets and I mix it with Greek Yogurt instead of sour cream. Makes awesome ranch dip for a good snack.

    This is reallly tough for me because I am on a 2000 calorie a day diet. For breakfast some days I make a smoothie with vanilla yogurt, unsweetened soy milk 1 cup of fruit (my fav iis blueberry) and one scoop of Protein powder. Lunch is a large chef salad with meat cheese and eggs. OHHHH lunch for our menue could be lettuce wraps wither tuna or chicken salad with olive oil mayo and onions. I like a little spice so I usee Cayne pepper and organic seasoning from costco.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    I have an excellent fruit salad recipe that might be good for breakfast. It's chopped up apples, pears, grapes with fat free vanilla yogurt, a little bit of apple butter and chopped pecans.

    I'm a bit stumped for lunch . . I usually eat a frozen entree at lunch or go over to the hospital cafeteria.
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Wow, those are some really great ideas, everyone! I'm so impressed! I'm afraid I'm probably not going to be much help for this one, but I will certainly try to think of some ideas too. As I told ArmyWife earlier, I'm a vegetarian and a lot of the things I eat would probably be weird to most people. LOL.

    I love the idea of the breakfast fruit salad - lots of fruits and some protein as well. The only other idea I can think of for breakfast would be some sort of breakfast scramble, or even breakfast burrito. Eggs (or egg whites), lots of veggies, maybe a whole wheat tortilla or something? I don't eat eggs, so I don't even know the nutrition/calorie value, but that seems like something that normal people might like. LOL

    Lettuce wraps are also a great idea for lunch, I think. I wouldn't begin to know a recipe for tuna or chicken salad, but that seems like it would be a great healthy meal with lots of protein and the right amount of calories? I'll keep trying to think of some other ideas for lunch...

    And that white bean pumpkin chili sounds AMAZING! Not for me, of course, but in general. :) I think that is a great idea, and it's very seasonal as well which is awesome. I definitely vote for that one.

    Well, I know I'm not much help but I really will keep trying to come up with more ideas. I usually have a super-healthy green smoothie for breakfast that most people probably wouldn't like. For lunches I'll often have things like brown rice & veggies, or a quinoa meal or something with lentils. I'm a pretty simple cook, and use simple ingredients but I know I use a lot of things that the average person might not have in their kitchen.

    You guys are awesome, though! I'll keep checking back here and see what else anybody comes up with and put down anymore ideas I might come up with. Let's have a great week and keep everybody safe!!!! :smile:
  • I would say for breakfast would be 2 egg whites omelet with some low fat sharp cheddar shredded cheese, and veggies of choice, a morning star sausage patty, or turkey patty, and some fresh fruit (small portion). This has a lot of protein, and tastes really good!

    snack I would say a very popular snack is a handful of almonds, something with a lot of protein.

    Lunch Tuna fish is really healthy...easy to take...but they wanted recipes..sooooooo

    I go to and modify some of the entrees to make them even more healthy. I made a brown rice with sausage meal the other day for dinner, and for a whole cup was less then 200 calories. I'll just name off the ingred.
    sausage of choice (i used morning star italian sausage, but turkey sausage or chicken sausage is good)
    brown rice
    (celery...I didn't use because I don't like celery)
    olive oil
    chicken broth

    It tasted good, but def can tell it's healthy
    Check out and let me know if any other recipes seem good to ya'll!!