Exercise Stretches and Warm-Ups/Cool-Downs

slimmingdownsteph Posts: 201 Member
I recently started doing a lot of yoga and strength training (using the Wii haha :P), and I'm starting to feel the aftermath of not properly stretching before and after the workouts. It's been a while (almost 2 years) since I've done these types of exercises so I need suggestions.

What stretches, warm-ups, and/or cool-downs do you use before a workout? It doesn't have to be just for yoga and strength :) I do even more cardio, so those suggestions are greatly appreciated as well. My workouts range from low-high intensity.

Thanks so much!


  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 130 Member
    I usually do my cardio on a treadmill and do a warm up of 3MPH and a cool down of 2.5MPH for 5 minutes each before and after my workouts. i also stretch my legs big time (calves, hamstrings, hip flexors). I find with those stretches, I don't get sore.

    Also, I like to do planks to stretch my thighs and work my stomach/back.

    Good luck!
  • deannakwilson
    deannakwilson Posts: 2 Member
    I've read research that says stretching BEFORE a work out does not decrease your risk of injury and really doesn't matter. But I've learned from personal expereince that I need a little something before I work out.

    Try warming up your muscles for about 5 minutes. March in place, bring your knees up, throw in some jumping jacks or stairs. Depending on your work out, lowe body, upper body, total, etc., begin some gentle stretching of the muscle groups you plan to train or work out. You can get all kids of ideas from the internet, books, videos, etc., But you can keep your pre-workout stretches brief. Your POST work out stretches are the ones you want to spend more time on. While the muscles are warm, hold your stretches for 20-30 seconds, being sure to hit the muscle groups you've just worked. There is already alot of stretching in yoga. But with weight training you want to make a point of stretching so your muscles stay flexible.
  • Ditto to what the others say and that I would recommend not stretching cold muscles. If you've been sitting still all day, suddenly trying to turn into a preztel can cause injury. Even just a few minutes of brisk walking get blood and oxygen flowing so that any stretching you do is to an "awake" muscle will not only feel better but be safer.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Here is a list of stretches from About.com with pictures!

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