1.) Accountability? 2.) Curves?

Hello Pals! I have a couple of questions: 1.) Has anyone had success using accountability as motivation for weight loss/fitness? For example, personal trainers, programs, posts, etc. I've tried making "pacts" with friends with no success. Usually it takes me about a week to get myself motivated, up & running . . but I could use some extra support right now. And 2.) Has anyone tried Curves? I have a regular gym membership, but I'm thinking about "streamlining" my workout . . at least for a while. How much does a membership generally run, and do they have a program that helps with motivation/support? Thanks, and have a nice day :)


  • gunnroadapartments
    hey, ya i have tried the pact with friends, man o man- that lasts for about two days...the first two are great but after that, it gets old/ and someone cheats.... i need the support too! i just started my fitness pal, and i found alot of posts inspiring...so thats always good.... and funny thing i just went to curves today to check it out...i have a membership at a gym, about 15 miles away..which isnt far but its hard to get there...the curves is seriously 1 block away...it was deff different...it sounds like it would be good for support...alot of people in the same boat...but at the same time there is not much variety there. it is a circut which you go around 2 times/14 machines...you would still need to get cardio in somewhere else/ as there is no treadmill etc in there. i got quoted 50 enrollment and 30 bucks a month...........it all depends on the location though...goodluck!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Right now I have two calendars posted on the wall by my front door. The first is my current training schedule for my next two runs, all mapped out, printed and hung. Partially so I know what's coming and partially because I X of each day after I complete the workout. Next to are two calendars, a 2010 year on a page and a 2011 year on a page that has a highlight on each day I worked out. Those are my accountability calendars. As soon as I went back and marked all those highlighted days, seeing how many _weren't_ highlighted was a real eye-opener for me. I thought I was only taking off a day here or there but there were huge gaps of time I just didn't workout at all. Now both and I the hubby have easy visibility of if I'm sticking to my guns on this and it's a big motivator to get me going.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I belong to Curves. I joined during a free enrollment deal and it is $32 month. I joined because it was les than my gym memebership, closer to home and I was starting to get bored with my gym. I have been at Curves sine Feb 1st of this year. The above poster is right there are no cardio machines there it is a circuit workout. I go at least 3 days a week and run or ride my bike on my off days. It is also a convenience thing for me, when things get really busy I still can find the time to go as the circuit only takes about a half hour. But , yes I do expect that eventually I will "move on" from it as I tend to quit something when I start to get bored with it.