New and Need Support!

Hi out there in internet land, PhoenixJoan here and boy am I tired of being overweight. I have struggled with obesity and eating disorders since I was in grade school. I managed to get into fitness during college and got down to 124 lbs. And then... I had a miscarriage. And then... I got divorced. And then... I had to move back in with my parents. Did I mention I have food issues?! :P With every depressive setback, I gained some weight back. I am almost as big as I was when I was a kid, which was big enough to mistake my dad's jeans for mine... and my dad was always a big guy. I am now in a loving relationship and we have a place together, and I got a job that pays well enough for me to be able to move out. I want to do better with my eating to go along with the effort I have put into a workout schedule. The toughest part for me is that I am an emotional eater and I looove sugar. But I have to lose weight for my health, I had emergency gallbladder surgery during the miscarriage and divorce as well, so getting my weight down is essential for my health. If you are still reading this, I apprecate you taking the time to do so and your support. I will try and reciprocate as often as possible (though I am not that tech-savvy... working on it!). Big hugs and thumbs up to everyone on here taking the steps needed to reach their healthy weight loss goals!


  • jessmo803
    Step one, done! You joined MFP and introduced yourself. Now you need to eat healthy and exercise and there are a ton of people here who will support you and motivate you to do just that!

    I joined MFP in November of last year and lost 40 pounds. Then my boyfriend moved to Texas and I followed a couple of months later. Well, without a job for a month, all I did was sit around and eat. Sooooo, twenty two pounds heavier, here I am. Trying to get healthy again. I have blood clots in both legs and they're starting to act up again. So, I hear you with the health problems.

    I'm here for support and motivation and anything else you might need!
  • deex18
    deex18 Posts: 113 Member
    i also class mysef as an emotiona eater..... i ive 2 hours from my famiy wit my biyrfriend... i love him very much and love our life bu sometimes when i miss my fmaiy and friends or when he is away working evenings i eat eat eat.... im trying to turn it around now ose weight and be healthy!!
    good luck on ur journey add me if u like!!! the more help the merrier!!!!