Pay attention to how strick diet plans are

When you are choosing diet plans, it is a good idea to choose plans which have a little wiggle room. You should be able to treat yourself with something that you like every once in a while rather than always having to eat the foods which are on the diet plan. Plans which are too strict will make you feel as if you are bored. You need to still be able to be adventurous and have some freedom or you will likely not be able to succeed with the diet plan.


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Thats why diet plans dont work.. dont go on a diet.. you have to change your lifestyle and make better food choices and exercise.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Good. Another good litmus test is to ask yourself, "could i eat this way for the rest of my life and be comfortable and happy?". If the answer is no, then move along...
  • indycello
    indycello Posts: 147 Member
    yeah diet is a dirty word....