Central El Paso

Hi there!
I am looking for a buddy that is in my area that has access to the gyms on post! I would like a friend to go with me at 0430 everyday. I'm scared to go by myself, and I hate being that one fat army wife puffing along next to the cuties. I'm tired of being too fat to do anything in the heat, too sweaty all the time to wear white. If you don't have access, I do have a dog that needs to be walked in the mornings. Or if your apt has a gym... just need to be close to me :( I'm so low on funds that I eat ramen (which is not helping the diet)!


  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    Hello from El Paso. This is the land of manana (tomorrow) so good luck finding anyone to get up at 0430 to work out LOL