I keep going?

I'm looking for opinions from people who truly understand what I've gone through. I've lost 119 lbs. and just posted before and current pictures. Please check them out. All of the people who were initially supportive are now telling me I'm getting too thin and need to stop. The scale says 213 lbs. and a healthy weight for 5'8" is 169 lbs., tops!

So my question is... do I keep going? My goal is 170 lbs. and that's 43 lbs. away. I am so proud of my accomplishment, but want to take it to completion. I have a total lower body lift scheduled for December. : )

Also, if you have had this experience, how did you deal with diet sabatoge? My support network is quickly dwindling....




  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Yes I would keep going. I really don't understand why anyone would say you're getting too skinny. Do you live in an area with a high proportion of overweight people? I can see how that might skew perceptions and standards. Maybe they're jealous too!!

    Edited to add: Huge congrats on your loss so far btw! That is an amazing accomplishment!!
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    Do whatever makes you happy because that is all that matters! You look amazing already, but if you feel you need to lose that last 43lbs. to be happy with yourself I think you should do it! :)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Had something else to add - are you sure you're 213? Your profile pic doesn't look it!! You look like 150 or something!! :)
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Lots of support here.

    I'm 5'9 with a heavy build and 170 isn't bad goal. At my lowest I've been 165 and that was a bit too skinny for my tastes. So coming from someone with a similar height and weight goal, I say if it feel right, go for it.

    But do take time to congratulate yourself on your wonderful journey. You've done a fabulous job thus far! :happy:
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Keep going!! People tell me Ive lost enough too and I am actually sick of hearing it! That doesnt motivate me! Do what you need to, just be healthy as I am sure you are!
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    For sure keep going, you're so close!

    Once you get below 200lbs, there'll be no stopping you!

    I too have heard the 'youre too skinny now' etc and its not really for others to know. You keep better track of your weight/body then they do. They're just comparing you to your old self, the old self you weren't really happy with.

    Take accurate measurements, and like you said, have a goal weight/shape/bf% and shoot for it. Once there, maybe re-evaluate it all and decide what to do next.

    In the meantime you'll be getting stronger, faster, healthier and happier.
  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
    go for what YOU want, and what is healthy to you! and if the top for you is 169, that could be the right goal for you. you have done amazing work this far!
  • likeaphoenix
    likeaphoenix Posts: 54 Member
    I am going to just say one thing: WOW you are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job. (oh ok, 2 things: seems to me you could keep going toward that 170, if that's your goal. You came this far!)
  • vmastudios
    First off... WOW! u look amazing!!!! And personally, like everyone else is saying, if it makes u happy hun, then do it! The only cosmentic a girl needs is self confidence... and if gettin to your goal weight makes you feel ontop of the world, then ride it til the wheels fall off!
  • SimplyDeLish
    My opinion - do what YOU feel is best for you or when your body let's you know you've reached your ideal weight.

    You look amazing and certainly look smaller than 213! Congrats on the loss to date! Good luck with the future!
  • OfficialPR
    OfficialPR Posts: 1,610 Member
    I'm looking for opinions from people who truly understand what I've gone through. I've lost 119 lbs. and just posted before and current pictures. Please check them out. All of the people who were initially supportive are now telling me I'm getting too thin and need to stop. The scale says 213 lbs. and a healthy weight for 5'8" is 169 lbs., tops!

    So my question is... do I keep going? My goal is 170 lbs. and that's 43 lbs. away. I am so proud of my accomplishment, but want to take it to completion. I have a total lower body lift scheduled for December. : )

    Also, if you have had this experience, how did you deal with diet sabatoge? My support network is quickly dwindling....


    Congrats first of all! I would say continue and those that are telling to slow down may in fact be guilty themselves due to your progress. Don't let that slow you down if you're still not there. I won't ask your age as that's not polite but factor that in to your goals as well.
  • boopiejones
    keep going. people that say you are too skinny are either a) jealous or b) used to seeing you 100+lbs heavier. at your current weight, you are NOT too skinny.

    and GOOD JOB!!!
  • jpd10905
    LOL...YES! Miami! Lots of overweight people here. : )

    Thank you so much for the support. I think I need to keep going too... just struggling today (SOOOO HUNGRY) and looking for positive reinforcement.

    Good luck to you!
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    YESSSS. You can do it. They are just jealous. Too skinny would be an unhealthy weight. That is not what you are right now or are trying for. Stay away from the haters.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    If you like yourself where you are now, screw everyone else. But, while I don't agree with BMI calculators to an extent, 213 is technically obese for someone our height. I, too, am 5'8".

    Way to go on the weight loss thus far!
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    Congratulations! if you are set on a goal then don't let anyone else stop you! I am seriously inspired by your loss.
  • Corruptkitten
    Corruptkitten Posts: 157 Member
    You look great, don't stop!
  • jpd10905
    Right?!!! These are the same people who loved to tell me that I was too fat! It helps to know someone else is going through the same thing.

    You hang in there! You're doing great!!!!
  • Just_Bethy
    If you are wanting to look could're gorgeous..but if you want to be healthy then 213 is probably too heavy and you should check the stats or see your Dr to find your healthy weight....but honestly...looking at your photo...213? Unless you are 6 feet 8 inches..I seriously don't see that!!!...You have a great figure and a lovely face...!!!!
  • jpd10905
    OMG your body is awesome! I want to look like that!!! : )