Is it just me?

audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
I just got diagnosed today with Hypothyroidism. (10 yrs ago I was Hyperthyroid and had the radio active Iodine treatment) So now its back and I am HYPOTHYROID! NO wonder Ive gained weight! I finally have some answers! I eat pretty good, I work out 6 days a week.
I have been feeling SOOO Irritated lately! All I do is yell and scream! My kids drive me up the wall! I have NO patience whatsoever! I am exhausted on top of the weight gain. How depressing! I feel miserable!
Has anyone had these symptoms? What meds are you taking and are they working?
Is there any hope?!?!
Thanks for any advise you may have!!


  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Man, that's a drag! I have a friend with Hypothyroidism and she was in much the same boat as you. She started taking meds and got really good and fit and she's doing much better. I don't know what she's taking or anything.. sorry, I'm no help!
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    Thanks my friend! Yes its an awful feeling. I just wanna crawl out of my own skin somedays!! :'( I am heading to the pharmacy to get these drugs kicking in ASAP!
  • I have heard that a good natural supplement is iodine/iodide is good. I have also heard that Liquid Kelp is good. Omega 3 vitamins are a good one for moods. Maybe this will help. Talk to someone at a health food store to see what would help you! Hope you feel better soon!
  • I have hypothyroidism, as did my mother and grandmother. I take Levoxyl every morning. I now take 88 mg if I remember correctly. I was really putting on the weight. Now seem to be going the other way slowly. I know I was sleeping an awful lot last year before my doseage was increased. I had all my other hormones checked, and one other was out of whack.

    I didn't notice a big difference at first. Change was slow and subtle. I started noticing I didn't need to nap as much, and I was laughing more. I think I was irritable with my wifey. We get along better now.

    Send me a message any time you want to talk more about it. I have been on some thyroid meds for years, and several doses. Things will get better now. Sounds like you have a good doctor.
  • Check your inbox, I just sent you a monster reply lol. I forgot to mention that don't expect it to kick in quickly. It can take up to 3-4 months to really get the full effects of the medicine. You won't see anything for at LEAST one month. Be patient but it will help!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease (auto-immune hypothyroidism) shortly after the birth of my 3rd child. Hashimoto's runs on my father's side of the family; all 3 of his sisters and his mother had it. I took various thyroid meds for the next 7 years, but could never normalize my symptoms, which included extreme fatigue, significant hair loss, brittle nails, and gray skin. A few years ago, the med I had been taking at the time, Armour, became intermittently unavailable in the US. During a 3-week period without it, I was dragging every day by 12 noon, and I mentioned my extreme fatigue to my chiropractor one day.

    He suggested a supplement called Thytrophin PMG. It is an over-the-counter, bovine (cow)-derived supplement that works by stimulating the thyroid to produce its own hormone rather than replacing the hormone the way that drugs do. Taking hormone replacement drugs over time causes the thyroid to completely stop making its own hormone--that's why docs tell people that once they start the meds they must continue for life.

    Honestly, I probably would not have asked a chiro for help, had I not been in a situation where the meds were unavailable, HOWEVER, that stuff changed my life. I have never gone back to the meds, AND I have never felt better. After a year using the supplement I returned to my endocrinologist and had bloodwork and an ultrasound of my thyroid to assess my condition. There was absolutely no sign of Hashimoto's whatsoever.

    Thytrophin is made by Standard Process, and is literally only $12 for 90 tabs--that is a 45 day supply for me. You can get it online or from chiropractors, naturopaths and nutritionists.

    I highly recommend trying this OTC supplement before subjecting your body to the drugs.

  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    Thanks to all!
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