Afraid to eat ( looking for support)



  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    ok a few things lol.. First.. I dont have nor have I ever had an eating disorder.. I can agree that I may have the beginnings of one.. but I never have before..Also, I was given the phentermine because I have a super severe case of PCOS with insulin resistance that went on for years and I never knew about because I had no insurance and never went to the doctor.. So, the doctor thought it would be a good boost since me losing weight on my own now is close to impossible... Also, I have lost weight on my own before.. I lost about 35 lbs in 5 months by eating 1200 cals a day and exercising.. So its not like I CANT do it.. It was just with the PCOS being so bad my doctors thought I could use the help.. Ok... I am going to read the rest of the replies

    I too have PCOS have had it since I was 13. It isn't easy to lose weight with it but it is possible! There's a book out The PCOS Diet Book as well as the South Beach Diet. Both were recommended to me to manage my PCOS without medication. I'm not going to bash you for taking meds or not eating but I will say I do agree with others that you may have the beginnings of an eating disorder and you should speak with a medical profesional regarding your relationship with food. Having PCOS is hard to say the very least! I feel you on that aspect. Please get some help for the issues with non eating and make sure you change your eating habits to at least eat 1200 calories a day. It will help your body in so many ways! And you CAN do this..without medication and without starving yourself.

    Thank you =] So many people dont understand PCOS at all because its so many different issues... ugh even when I try to talk about it I dont even know what to say.. lol.. I cant imagine having dealt with it for that long.. I agree that it seems I have the beginning of an eating disorder.. Saying that makes me want to cry.. its funny.. you can ask my MFP friends.. I am usually the positive one telling everyone that they CAN do this and CAN do that lol.. how the tables have turned..
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    So here is a odd question....have you forced yourself to eat? I mean your going to force yourself to eat that sub so can you force yourself to eat 3 meals a day? Or will you only be eating it for his sake? If so tell him about this and ask him to hold you accountable when it comes to eating.

    After I had my twins I had PND and I honestly ate not much at all but I managed to force myself because it effects your milk supply and I wanted to breastfeed.

    I mean you have said you don't having a ED so just try and force it.

    I tried to force myself to eat... but I would just grab some bread and thats it.. It wasnt really helping me with feeling better.. So i guess I wasnt forcing myself to eat enough still.. I dont plan on forcing myself to eat the whole thing.. I am going to eat until i feel satisfied.. Before I even came to MFP I told him about whats been going on.. thats when he decided to go to subway for me and we made a plan that we are going to make sure I eat every meal everyday until I get back to normal. I dont think I have an eating disorder.. If I have the beginnings of one I hope I can get rid of it before it gets worse. But I never had one BEFORE. I just got so determined to lose weight that I was willing to do anything... I just got this crazy idea to eat less and exercise more... SMH.. I was OBVIOUSLY not thinking normally and was thinking out of my desperation to lose weight. My BF doesnt understand what I am going through but he is willing to help me as much as i need =]
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Ok, I am concerned about you. It is not normal to not "really go to the bathroom for weeks" and can cause damage to your entire body. If you can grocery shop for $20 there is no question that the med dose may be too high and an adjustment would take care of that.. Please go to the dr tomorrow - if your dr. can't see you, go to an urgent care type facility where you can just walk in. I fear that you may have reached a point that you need to be put on an IV for immediate nourishment to your body. It honestly sounds like parts of your body are shutting down. If you think this is possible, go to the ER tonight!
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Ok, I am concerned about you. It is not normal to not "really go to the bathroom for weeks" and can cause damage to your entire body. If you can grocery shop for $20 there is no question that the med dose may be too high and an adjustment would take care of that.. Please go to the dr tomorrow - if your dr. can't see you, go to an urgent care type facility where you can just walk in. I fear that you may have reached a point that you need to be put on an IV for immediate nourishment to your body. It honestly sounds like parts of your body are shutting down. If you think this is possible, go to the ER tonight!

    Oh my goodness! Well I know for sure its not normal to not really go.. that was my first huge sign that I had a problem.. I am going to go to the doctor tomorrow.. I am positive he will see me. I do not feel like any parts of my body are shutting down.. maybe lacking nourishment.. but not to a point where I need to go to the ER.. Yea i am nauseated and get light headed when I stand up to fast and I am seriously lacking energy but, I know that after I see my doctor and get help from him and have a few days of better calorie intake I should be feeling better. We will see.. I can update here after I see my doctor if you would like..
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    That would be nice if you can I was popping in to bother you and ask if you had seen him yet.