Are you for or against plastic surgery? :)

How are you all doing? I am doing great. I had this debate earlier......just wanted to see where you guys stand. Are you for or against plastic surgery to lose weight? I am losing it the natural way, ( I don't need any weightloss police officers getting on my case on this post, thanks in advance)'s just that I had a discussion with my best friend earlier and I said: If I was wealthy....I would do lipo to lose my stomach and hate handles and continue to diet and exsercise to lose the rest. and he said: He is against surgery because you'll never appreciate the weightloss and mostlikely put all the way back up, which i agree with. Once again: I AM NOT SAVING MONEY TO GO UNDER THE KNIFE, I AM LOSING THE WEIGHT "THE NATURAL WAY"


  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I wouldnt get plastic surgery to lose weight I dont think. I would feel like I am cheating myself. Doing it the hard way Im learning a whole bunch - where that short cut - you could end up fat again still.. right???

    HOWEVER I think plastic sugery post weightloss - like to remove excess skin or whatever is okay. Sometimes the body just wont rebound - and needs help. Once I am done having kids - and losing weight - if my stomache is nasty - i am so looking into a tummy tuck
  • darrcn5
    darrcn5 Posts: 495 Member
    As long as a person can afford it, I have nothing against it. I plan on getting a tummy tuck to get rid of my nasty sagging skin on my tummy when I get done having children. I would also consider a breast lift down the road if needed, since pregnancy and weight loss are not being so kind to "the girls."
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Well, I had a breast reduction done and was hoping I'd lose 10lbs from that because they were so huge and heavy :tongue:
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I think weightloss through dieting, exercising and good habits would help to deal with the issues/habits that got a person overweight in the first place. I don't see a problem with getting rid of loose skin via surgery after a lot of weightloss.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I want new boobs. And honestly my thighs are REALLY stubborn. If I had the money I might consider getting lipo. I'm not sure my upper body will handle additional fat loss well (but I'm going to try it).
  • Glam0809
    "FOR IT" post weight loss. I'd like to remove the excess skin in my tummy eventually.
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    I wouldnt do it to lose weight...Now after the weight is lost...some people have to have it to remove extra skin and put parts back in the proper place ( The thought of it scares the crap out of me, but you gotta do what you gotta
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    In general, I'm not against plastic surgery. That being said, I will not use surgery as a way to "fix" my body. I'm more than capable of doing that via hard work and determination. Getting lipo is a coward's way out, imo. I understand where you're coming from about getting a jump start with surgery, but meh. If you're gonna have to work hard after the surgery, you might as well just work hard for a little longer and do the whole thing yourself.

    I do have plans to schedule a surgery once I get to my goal weight - gonna get my boobs put back where they belong lol They're already looking a bit sad and deflated, and I know it's only going to get worse as I keep losing.
  • sarahkova
    sarahkova Posts: 245 Member
    no I don't want to do Weight loss surgery but my overall goal is that when I lose all that I am able to lose and am able to keep it off for 3 years, I will have a lift...I have been overweight my ENTIRE highest at 357
    now at 312. I have a TON of extra skin...and am already noticing that it is getting in the way... today as I was doing my workout it was slapping together and was soooo not attractive...I know that since I have been big since elementary school (stretch marks in junior high :( ) not all of this skin will go away.. so the knife will take care of it...but again 3 years of keeping the weight off first!
  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    does lapband count as plastic surgery??

    i had the lapband surgery to help me lose weight--- Love it! i've cheated it and i'm now using it the way it was meant to be used. i totally agree--- you can have all the surgery you want, but if you're not making weight loss a priority in your life- it won't happen! i'm at that point now and having the band as a tool is really helping. (even though i haven't had a fill since 2009!!)

    anywho...i'm pro plastic surgery in general. i'm definitely getting the mommy makeover once i'm done having kids and if we can afford it. hubby's on board with tne new "girls" too. ;)
  • Hottness4Lyfe
    Hottness4Lyfe Posts: 321 Member
    I'd never do it because I am terrified of needles! Not even post.... Because of you lose your weight slowly and tone as you go you shouldn't have loose skin... I'm not getting cut unless it's I'm gonna die and not from weight...
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Personally, I am not against Plastic Surgery, however, I would not use it to lose weight.

    Reason being, if you don't do the work. You won't appreciate it. If you don't appreciate it, no matter how much surgery you have, you will gain again. My friend got gastric last year and is gaining again because they are eating like crap again (and the larger portions too). Since they didn't do the time (aka the old fashion way), they didn't truly appreciate their results.

    Save the plastic surgery, if its your thing (by your I mean anyone who wants it, not the poster herself haha), till after you've lost the weight to maybe tighten up skin that may not have the ability to do so on its own. Seems more intelligent.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I am not against it and in fact, plan to have it eventually. I want my boobs back!!!!!!!!!!!! The hit the floor after pregnancy and breastfeeding and are dragging even more since I lost almost 30 pounds. just bigger and perkier and I'll be good. maybe...
  • photo_kyla
    photo_kyla Posts: 322 Member
    I'm definitely thinking about it post weight loss. There are parts that are going to need professional help :)
    The way I see it, if I'm working this hard for so long to get the weight off, I'm going to want to enjoy the new skinny me. That's not going to happen if I always have to wear long sleeves and pants to camouflage bat wings, etc.
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I am not against it and in fact, plan to have it eventually. I want my boobs back!!!!!!!!!!!! The hit the floor after pregnancy and breastfeeding and are dragging even more since I lost almost 30 pounds. just bigger and perkier and I'll be good. maybe...

  • cownancy
    I'm not sure I understand the question. Weight loss surgery like gastric bypass and gastric banding are not plastic surgery. I didn't think you could actually lose much weight via Liposuction because they can only remove so much? I've never checked into doing it pre-dieting before. But, I've seen several plastic surgeons at support group meeting discuss what is usually needed after losing 60 plus pounds. Most people cannot simply "work hard" to tone muscles if they've lost over 60 pounds, no matter what they do. I've been very brave about having several nasal/sinus surgeries, a radical mastoidectomy, lapband surgery and spinal surgery, but, for some reason, I am afraid of the skin removal surgeries. With that said, I am NOT against them, in any way. I am going to consider them if/when I get to the point where I am finished losing weight and have maintained it for over a year. We're talking at least two years from now, so I can only comment on it as it applies to others and I say that anyone should be able to do anything medically that they feel is right for them. But, I also think they should follow their doctor's advice.

    I love my lapband and, as I always say in the forum, think some of the uninformed comments relating to WLS are based on misinformation or a total lack of information, which is a shame. But, to each his own. I'm healthier than I've been in over 25 years thanks to my surgery and I challenge ANYONE to show me how my surgery has, in any way, been to my disadvantage or detriment. My blood pressure had dropped significantly, my cholesterol is down 30 plus points, I am over 50 pounds lighter and I have never eaten this healthy in my entire life. I could keep going, but it will only be my fault if I regress....not the surgery's fault AND I would never have gotten to this point had I not had the support and process of this surgery. I thank my doctors every single day for helping me and supporting me in this endeavor!
  • All for it! Maybe not lipo, but certainly some tucks and lifts where necessary! If you have the $$, go for it!! :happy:
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I am ALL for it (: and as I age I am going to have it and more. Botox, fillers, skin lifts, anything that makes me look good :bigsmile:
  • glitterpiss
    I personally wouldn't want to get a surgery that wasn't necessary, unless it was going to dramatically change my life for the better. I don't need to ever wear a bikini, so if my tummy is a bit flabby after a baby or two, it won't be the end of the world to me. But really, we'll see if I still feel the same way once I've popped out a couple and have that flabby tummy and saggy boobs. lol

    I've seen a skin removal/tummy tuck gone horribly wrong, and its really something I'd like to avoid at all costs. It was on a lady who lost about 150lbs from a lap band, and still had a lot to loose, so they removed 40lbs of skin and fat, and the wounds got horribly infected. I will never forget having to clean out/re-pack for those huge deep wounds. It was incredibly painful for the lady and she had horrible body image issues. I know this isn't super common with this type of surgery, but it was enough to make me not want that sort of procedure done.
  • Hellokittysboo
    I'm Against Plastic Surgery To Lose Weight To A Certain Extent Like If You Were Extremely Obese Or Somethin Then Yes But If You Can Just Get Up And Work Out Then Why Would Pay Thousands Of Dollars For Somethin That You Can Do With Either At Home For FREE Or At The Gym With A Low Gym Membership.