This is probably a stupid question



  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I have cut out all caffiene. I have only been on here a week. As for the food diary it shows I am going over in protein and fiber. I am high on sugars (mostly natural). Low on carbs. Was just curious if it was something that warranted a dr visit or something to watch a while before going.

    Two things:

    1) You're in caffeine withdrawl. That's gonna suck for at least another week. It's the most addictive substance in the human diet for a reason.

    2) You're not balancing your sugars and carbs. Carbs get a bad rap; they're energy, they don't make you fat all by themselves. Sugar is energy too, but it digests faster than complex carbs, so your blood sugar is more susceptible to spiking and then falling and making you tired. So try eating more complex carbs throughout the day.
  • meowow
    meowow Posts: 42 Member
    This isn't a stupid question at all! :D

    Give it 21 days. 21 days of this will turn into a habit, that becomes easier for you and you will feel better! It just takes time. It's your body withdrawing from what it is used to eating. But, it also could be your diet. Getting enough nutrients etc.
  • Everyone has posted great suggestions. I was going to suggest you balance your plate with the proper ratios but someone beat me to it. Also, if you dont' already do so look into a multivitamin. Sometimes that gives you the extra boost of nutrients your body needs while you figure out your new diet and routine.
  • Gigi_licious
    Gigi_licious Posts: 1,185 Member
    Are you getting in enough protein? Are you eating alot of refined carbs? I can't speak for everyone, but I know that when I eat too many refined carbs or I am lacking protein I get incredibly lethargic.