What changes did you make to your diet?



  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member

    Breakfast - nothing
    Lunch -something from a fast food place
    Dinner Whatever was quickest to fix, (pop in oven dinners and such)
    Snacks none


    Breakfast Mon-Fri Oatmeal Weekend Eggs and toast (no butter)
    Lunch - Usually a turkey or ham sandwich with lettuce, tomato, and onion
    Dinner- Some type salad, and a meat (usually baked)
    Snacks Apple, or popcorn, or other fruit
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    I still have a green smoothie for breakfast, beans or an enchilada for lunch, vegetables and beans for dinner. I just eat about 1/2 the portion size that I used to! Who knew that 5 cups of beans was not one serving? :blushing:
  • LMorrison1009
    LMorrison1009 Posts: 114 Member
    My changes are a little backwards I think. Before I would live on coffee and diet coke all day and wouldn't eat until supper time. Then I would eat huge portions, and not stop eating until bed time. Telling myself its okay because I didn't eat all day long. Now I try to eat 5 meals a day, watch all my portions, and I still have a big supper, and sometimes desert, but I adjust the rest of the day to allow it rather than starving myself. I truly believe I put my body into starvation mode with my crazy ways. I actually eat more now and have lost 30 pounds in 3 months.
  • Before:
    Breakfast- white bagel with butter, smoothies with things like sherbert
    Lunch- none, or some cafeteria food like processed crackers or potatoes and ranch dressing.
    Snack- candy, chips, in uncontrolled portions. baked goods.
    Dinner- milk, meat, bread and uncontrolled amounts of butter, cheesy pastas

    Breakfast- whole wheat toast with peanut butter or hummus and fruit, smoothies with fruit and tofu
    Lunch- whole whaet sandwich thins with peanut butter, or tempeh and tomato, fruit, soymilk
    Dinner- no meat, no milk, bread and MUCH less butter, vegetables, salad, brown rice dishes, beans.

    Looking back on how I used to eat, it's not wonder that I was so unhealthy.
  • gettingthin03

    Breakfast- nothing or leftovers from night before, sugary cereal, cookies and coffee
    Lunch- Microwave meal loaded with sodium, hot pocket, leftovers, fried foods out of the cafe , sweet tea
    Dinner- Fried foods, bread, rice, sweet tea

    After: (everything measured)

    Breakfast- oatmeal, special k, smoothie, protein bar, eggs and chicken sausage on the weekends
    Lunch- Turkey sandwich on wheat bread, salad, healthy leftovers
    Dinner- Baked, broiled, or grilled meat, veggies, rice, bread (in small potions) and tons of water

    I feel alot better also!
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    i eat less often and bigger meals and i've added in ice cream and other goodies to make my diet more enjoyable

    Same here, definately ice cream as a treat, with some roasted nuts yummy!
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member

    Brek: 2 thick slices white farmhouse toast with butter & a mocha, or 2 slices wholemeal toast with low fat cream cheese, a tiny bit of hellmans mayo and a couple handfuls of sliced cherry tomatoes

    Lunch: anything and everything, often chicken and biscuits and salad, or catering sandwiches and cheese and ham baguettes

    Dinner: Roast vegetables with sweet potato, broccoli and chicken (brown meat only) at 11pm or so. Followed by a bowl of sweet ceral.

    Snacks: Crisps, a biscuit a day, kit kat, cheese biscuits all throughout the day


    Brek: 1 slice brown gluten/wheat free bread (Genius) with 1/2 tsp light lurpak and a boiled egg white, sometimes two. Low fat/calorie mocha

    Lunch: Ham, salad and gluten free bread or wholemeal pitta bread & water

    Dinner: Stews, soups and salads, seafood noodle dishes, sometimes allow myself oven fries with ham and always eat LOADS of vegetables to fill me up.

    Snacks: Oranges, melon, potato chips every so often and occasionally chocolate (1 stick of kit kat with unsweetened tea.

  • Maryfullofgrace
    Maryfullofgrace Posts: 342 Member
    The biggest changes I've made is lowering my sodium level to 1500 mg/day, increased my sleep, grass-fed beef, I don't eat in restaurants except maybe once or twice a month, I measure everything.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Before: Drinking too much coffee, eating conventional grocery store foods, counting calories and trying to keep the fat low. Exercising for hours at the gym.

    Now: Eating high fat, moderate protein, low carb. Not counting calories and eating intuitively by listening to my body. No more chronic cardio so I can heal my adrenal glands and get my cortisol levels under control. So, I move slow, sprint occasionally, lift heavy things and play more. No more conventional grocery store foods either. Meat, eggs and dairy comes straight from the farm and I bought into a local CSA for vegetables. The fruit I eat I purchase from a pick your own farm down the road from my house.
  • chanceuse107
    Well.. basically cutting out wheat and most grain foods, milk (but not all dairy), and just about all processed sugar. That's a big change. Changes. Those are big changes.

    Worth it though... I feel good.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member

    Breakfast: normally nothing, sometimes buttery toast
    Lunch: Gregg's sandwich, sausage roll and slice of cake / pasta salad & crisps / large portion of left over dinner with bread
    Dinner: Same size portion as my 5ft 11, 12st, decorator OH of whatever I made (spag bol / chilli / roast dinner) plus we'd have garlic bread or something on side side. I would easily have 2 carbs with dinner!
    Snacks: crisps, wine, left over dinner, cake


    Breakfast: 2 small slices of wholemeal toast with peanut butter, small yoghurt, fruit
    Lunch: chicken salad / soup and wholemeal bun / small portion of left over dinner
    Dinner: cajun chicken breast, balsamic new potatoes & salad / mini meatballs, 60g wholemeal pasta, salad / turkey curry with broccoli, green beans, 200g new potatoes
    Dessert: low cal chocolate mousse (90cals) or Eton mess.
    Snacks through-out the day: humous and diced red pepper / yoghurt / pomegranate seeds

    I still allow myself pretty much everything in moderation so my biggest change has been portion control. I no longer eat the same size meals as my OH!
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    1. Better portion sizes
    2. I had been drinking anywhere between 32-64 oz of sugared soda (much of it Mt. Dew) each day. No more sugar at all and only a very occasional diet soda.
    3. I've seriously cut back the amount of QDoba and Buffalo Wings that I eat.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I didn't realise buffaloes had wings...

    *mind boggled*
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I didn't realise buffaloes had wings...

    *mind boggled*

    LOL - Is Hot Wings a term that settles your confusion :)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Err...Hot Wings! Chicken! Chickens have wings!

    *googles it*

    Ohhhh, i see! They aren't actually wings!

    Thank god...was going to say farming those buffaloes would be a nightmare. Either that or a very large barn...:laugh:

    We don't have buffaloes here in the UK...just a few butch bulls with delusions of grandeur....
  • kellyb63
    kellyb63 Posts: 109 Member
    BEFORE: Sausage Biscuit, Bo Biscuit, hash browns, donuts, cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs with cheese, leftovers. diet coke queen, sweet iced tea, french fries, barbecue, pizza, potatoes,Golden Corral Buffet galore, ice cream, red meat every other night, eating late, beer, wine, loaded baked potatoes, chinese buffets, going back for seconds cause it tastes so good - ahh you get the picture.

    AFTER: banana, granola, healthy cereal, 1% milk, non-fat yogurt, moderation, no alcohol, no fried foods, portion control, no sweets, lean meats, skinless chicken breasts, once again PORTION control, eating off a smaller plate really helps, eating no later than 6:30, using low fat dressings, milk, cheeses, salads, whole grain pastas, whole grain breads, keeping my food diary updated, trading off sweets for extra exercise, avoiding white flour, and I quit eating when I'm satisfied