Any DS'ers or gay/ lesbian? Over 50?

Nobody joins something like MFP without having weight issues, that's me for sure. Heavy since grade school. Had DS surgery and am gaining weight back. Maybe if I had had a lobotomy at the same time!
My sweetie and I have been together for 23 years and have tried to lose wt together quite a few times - without success. So.... This needs to be *my* program.
I honestly don't know what kind of support I want/ need but I think It would be nice to have a few connections.
Thanks to all of you for the sharing you have done on the forums- i've already learnrd some great tips!
Peace to each of you!


  • loripeters1961
    I am and RNY patient and 49. I agree that the "brain work" is the hardest part after weight loss surgery. I am learning to maintain, but have put on about 10lbs. Joined this site to help log my meals and exercise consistently.

    How long ago was your surgery?