What keeps you motivated and determined?

I hit like the slums... Where has all my motivation gone?seems like lately been so tired and putting off working out and eating right. I used robe so motivated and determined to loose weight and eat healthy...now it seems so hard togetback on track.

Any suggestions on jumping back in?


  • manderlou82
    Something that helps me is knowing that God gave me this temple and I need to take care of it. Also, knowing that I don't want to go back and be at square one trying to lose weight all over again!
  • leezanicole
    I think about how I REALLY want to do this and that I NEED to this for ME. And sometimes I think about how I can't go back to how I was (lazy and unhealthy). Plus I think of all the new wardrobe I will be getting and I'm like lets go!
  • chr2108126
    I look at pictures of cute clothes I really really want to wear. This keeps me motivated. And I concentrate on the way I feel when my stomach is not bloated all the time. It feels really good to not have a bloated tummy.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I want it.