In need of some moral support to keep me motivated :-)

Hi guys,

This is the first time i have done anything like this and i am looking for your help! I have already lost over a stone but still need to shed at least another stone and a half by the end of november as we are on the waiting the for IVF treatment! We have been trying to concieve for 11 years and this is us just reaching the top of a waiting list and it is down to me to get this weight off, obviuosly the only motivation i need is the end result but i do need to be pushed to exercise :-( i hate it with a passion (plus my hips are always in agony after exercise so i think there may be something wrong there too)!!!! I have totally changed my eating habits and now eat very healthy and balanced where as before it was take aways, crisps biscuits chocolate you name it if it was in front of me i would eat it...... But i have now figured that its all very well eating well but i cant lose anymore weight unless i get of my fat bottom lol.. Please help me with my motivational skills anyone :-)

Look forward to hearing from you guys really soon xxx :ohwell: :cry: :wink:


  • PeeTeePee
    PeeTeePee Posts: 235 Member
    Well you've come to the right place! There's always lots of encouragement and motivational support here. A friend request on it's way to you.
  • JessicaEPope
    JessicaEPope Posts: 88 Member
    WOW a stone already! That's brilliant, well done :)

    It's definitely great that you have motivation as on those hard days when you don't want to do exercise you can push yourself. One suggestion I could make it getting a calender where you can see the whole month and colour in every day you do some exercise, then when you start seeing too many white spaces it should help push you t want to colour them in. It really helps o visualise how much you are doing, otherwise you can kid yourself you've been doing more than you think. That's what helped me too.

    For exercise I guess it's finding what's right for you. Personally i like doing at home DVDs because they work out cheaper than going to the gym and less embarrassing as other people don't see you working out which was an issue for me. You could do them, or walk or run or dance or join a class with a friend if you didn't want to go alone?

    It also really helps to log everything you eat every day on here as well as the exercise as it's another tool which looks more objectively at how you are doing, and then you can see your progress.

    Wishing you all the very best of luck, it's a great step that you're even on here, so just got to start getting what you want now, and it's only up to you!! Feel free to add me if you'd like, always looking for friends to support and help support me :) Take care xx
  • Musicgrl4life

    this is definitely a great place to come to if you need motivation. way to go on the weight you have lost so far! Start off slow with exercise, and do maybe some weight lifting, maybe 3 lb ones and cut the calories and keep the healthy eating habits like you have. Progress comes slow, but it comes :) Don't be too hard on yourself.Every little bit counts!

    Good luck to you getting to where you can get ivf :)
  • moonlightuk
    moonlightuk Posts: 42 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. I am new here too and have found everyone very friendly and supportive so you have come to the right place. Well done on losing the stone mention you have sore hips, I also sometimes have problems with my joints and find swimming is the best for that. Have sent you a friend request, good luck :), Susan
  • fiabka
    fiabka Posts: 294 Member
    Hey well done on your loss so far & as everyone will tell you, you are in the right place
    Wishing you loads of luck on your journey - Just believe in yourself - If you can lose 1 stone you certainly can lose another
    Friend request flying over to you now