Exercise Turns Me Into The Hulk?

And no, I don't mean it gives me giant green bulgy muscles. It makes me ANGRY. Its the strangest phenomenon... I thought exercise was supposed to make you happy? But every time, I turn into this horrible, witchy monster! It lasts from the time I start up to about 2 hours after (or until I shower). Its so bad my dogs stay waaaaaaay clear of the room I'm exercising in and my fiance gives me a wide berth too. WTH? Am I vitamin deficient? Doing something wrong? Why don't I get that rush of happy feelings everybody brags about?


  • CrimsonHellkite
    well everyone reacts differently, i get angry too, i have never felt happy after a work out. i always blamed it on adrenaline and testosterone, but i dunno why it does it to you...i have always wondered where my happy happy joy joy feeling was at, i always figured maybe i have a chemical imbalance, and mine usualy stops after i eat or take a shower too
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Do you not enjoy your exercise routine? It may just be that! I know if I am not enjoying something, and I have to do it, my mood definitely suffers!.... or if it ends with a shower, try Swimming :) Then you wont feel so sweaty and gross, so it won't hamper your mood :D
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    It may be a chemical imbalance! I'm one of those lucky girls with PCOS so my testosterone levels are off the charts (for a woman).

    Also - I've tried sooooooo many exercises, some of them (like DDR or dancing) that I absolutely love. But the second my heart rate goes up, I'm snapping at everyone in a 20m radius. :sad: