Am I some sort of Zombie?

I feel like I can't sleep enough these days! For someone who has never been able to sleep on planes, trains or in automobiles, it is wierd that right now I could curl up on the floor of my office and sleep for days. I sleep at lease 8 hours a night, I don't have a thyroid , blood sugar and anemia problem.. i never eat w/in 2 hours of going to bed and I take vitamins on a daily basis. Additionally, I am in a truly wonderful marriage with a man who is my buddy, partner, lover, support system and I can't say that I am feeling depressed.
Just not sure what it is and don't want to do what I would usually do and blame it on my weight. I need to lose a solid 40 lbs to be in the healthy zone, but this is nothing new and the exhaustion is new. I have been dedicated to healthy eating for two solid weeks and have lost absolutely no weight. I guess that is kind of depressing.
Anyway, I have a full day of work in front of me and can barely type.
Head going down on desk....
eyes closing.....

Sigh...:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:


  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Have you had a thyroid test lately? Low thyroid causes your metabolism to slow, sleepiness, feeling cold, constipation, dry skin, and some other symptoms. That's sonething to look into, although it could be other problems as well. Take care!
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    Have you ever been tested for any type of sleep apnea? There are many different forms of it that can cause you to be tired.
  • pattiann603
    it sounds like your exhaustion is something that the forums can't fix, and you might want to see a doctor. but in the meantime, have you started working out yet? healthy eating is great, but incorporating some activity might give your weight loss a jump start. it also may help wake you up in the mornings. i (ironically) always feel more energetic on days that i've worked out.
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I feel like I can't sleep enough these days! For someone who has never been able to sleep on planes, trains or in automobiles, it is wierd that right now I could curl up on the floor of my office and sleep for days. I sleep at lease 8 hours a night, I don't have a thyroid , blood sugar and anemia problem.. i never eat w/in 2 hours of going to bed and I take vitamins on a daily basis. Additionally, I am in a truly wonderful marriage with a man who is my buddy, partner, lover, support system and I can't say that I am feeling depressed.
    Just not sure what it is and don't want to do what I would usually do and blame it on my weight. I need to lose a solid 40 lbs to be in the healthy zone, but this is nothing new and the exhaustion is new. I have been dedicated to healthy eating for two solid weeks and have lost absolutely no weight. I guess that is kind of depressing.
    Anyway, I have a full day of work in front of me and can barely type.
    Head going down on desk....
    eyes closing.....

    Sigh...:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Just continue to eat healthily...I suggest taking B12 and Mega B. If you already take them, double up during the day, but don't take B Vitamins after 3 or 4PM. Give it 3-10 days to kick in. Strangely, after a while, eating LESS and Healthily you will need less sleep.
  • Biglovelovesme
    Biglovelovesme Posts: 133 Member
    Ha! funny you should say that, The first thing that my husband thought of was that I was pregnant. That would be great, but not the case..mainly because I am 46 and pretty regular with my cycle

    I think that the real answer is the exercise component. There is nothing regular about my work out regime and that needs to change. I am also going to try the B vitamins.

    One thing I didn't mention is that my mum passed away in June and even though she had been struggling with Chemo and such it was quite a shock to us all. However, I really think that I am doing well and greiving in a healthy way.

    Who knows? I will call my doctor later today. First I just need to rest my eyes.

    Thanks for your thoughts though. Each piece of advice helps and makes me remember that going off my good eating is definitely NOT going to solve this issue.
