Need help for date night

shannon_stallone Posts: 136
edited October 2 in Food and Nutrition
My husband and I go on a dinner date once a month away from the kids...Tonight we're going to Bonefish Grill...I've been doing really good on my diet, but don't want to completely modify everything I eat, I want to enjoy myself...What should I do?? I am planning on working out today to add some calories, but I'm sure that won't be enough to enjoy dinner and wine


  • Well it depends on what kind of diet you're on. Low carb? Low fat? Good on the working out though. Do some research before going. Do they have a website? Try typing in a favorite dish and finding the nutrition facts.
  • I think a one-off splurge is okay. What puts on the weight is continued eating at that level. I say enjoy yourself tonight, and make generally good decisions (white meat or fish over red meat), and you will be just fine! Have fun, you deserve it!
  • Have fun on date night! We're due for one soon too. I would suggest that if you know you're going to splurge, make up the calories the rest of the week: burn an extra 100 and cut back an extra 100 each day to make up for the splurge. It is all about the cumulative effect!
  • My sister ate there the other night--she got the bang bang shrimp and a salad. She got full and stayed pretty low on calories. She may have gotten a half salad, I can't recall. But go and enjoy yourself! And a nice Pinot Grigio has about 110 cal per glass....indulge!
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Eat what you want to just use moderation and eat smaller amounts. and certainly exercise like you are planning on doing before hand. And also tomorrow.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    Follow your plan.... ENJOY YOURSELF!
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    I LOVE BG! Their tilapia is amazing! And their steamed broccoli is great too! Lots of protein and hardly any calories!
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    You could also look them up on-line to see if they have nutrition guide. That way you can make an informed decision before you go. Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!!!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i wouldn't even look at the nutritional guide, 1 meal isn't going to kill your diet and may even be beneficial. so go, enjoy yourself and get back on track the next day
  • Look it up before. That helps me. If it's something you want really bad and it's high in cals maybe eat half. Enjoy your night.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My husband and I go on a dinner date once a month away from the kids...Tonight we're going to Bonefish Grill...I've been doing really good on my diet, but don't want to completely modify everything I eat, I want to enjoy myself...What should I do?? I am planning on working out today to add some calories, but I'm sure that won't be enough to enjoy dinner and wine

    Work out, go out, look up options, eat a real person's portion, enjoy a few extra calories (just don't make it 3000 extra calories), relax, have a glass of wine. It's okay to take a break every once in a while, but only every once in a while. I think the fact that I stopped stressing about what to eat on date night or special occassions helped me along the way. Yeah, I only had 30 pounds to go, but I lost 35 and never had a plateau.
  • Thank you so much everyone for your amazing advice :)
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