clothing question

So I am about at my half way point. 36.2lbs down and 37lbs to go. People at work compliment me on my weightloss but they say that my clothes especially my pants are way too big for me now. At what point should I go out and buy new pants? I wanted to wait til I was closer to my goal weight so that I don't have to keep spending money which is tight right now. Any suggestions?


  • Second hand shops and thrift stores. I have a cousin that lost over 100 lbs on MFP and she swears by second hand stores. Also look for clothing swaps in your area. Everything I have that is nice, I take to second hand stores and they give me a credit for what sells, I like to use that money to get "new" stuff.

    Hope that helps and congrats on the loss. Great job!
  • You should buy clothes when people start telling you your clothes are too big. Not only will proper fitting clothes make you feel more confident, but it will enhance your appearance, and make more people notice the hard work you've done. I go to Good Will to buy my 'in between clothes". You can get nice stuff, cheap. Once you reach your goal, reward yourself with a real shopping trip.
  • jame_104
    jame_104 Posts: 57 Member
    I have the same problem. My husband keeps making fun of my "saggy butt" on my pants. I am so close yet so far away. Going to have to just bite the bullet and buy some new ones cause when I run now my pants tend to want to fall down. YIKES!
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    I've decided to hem what I can and have what needs to be altered done (like around the waiste) professionally for a bit.. until I get lower. I've been wearing heels beause my pants are now too long.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Ugh, yes. Here's the thing. Your pants are going to fall down. Possibly in public. The longer you wait, the higher the risk. Are you using a belt? Are there any friends who are around your size/ used to be your size & might have old pants that fit you?

    What size ARE you, because maybe on MFP someone has something they don't use anymore! Or get ready to ask for gift cards for whatever holiday is fast approaching.

    Or if not, start researching what the cheapest shopping place is near you, esp. second-hand or used online, or start putting together outfits with skirts/dresses if that's acceptable to your workplace dressing code.

    And congrats on approaching that halfway point!!!! Wearing new pants that fit snugly will help make sure you don't slide backwards.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    In the meantime, can you take any of your clothes in? I know I'm starting to do this, especially with expensive suits etc for work
  • paulaercksn
    paulaercksn Posts: 29 Member
    I had the same problem. I had to buy new clothes at about the 35-40 lb mark. I would suggest getting just a few essentials. And try thrift store. I am not able to find much in thrift stores, because I am tall and they very rarely have anything that is long enough for me. I went to a JC Penney Outlet. They had dress pants for $12.99 or less and nice shirts for about the same. I was even able to buy a pair of jeans for $9.99.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Congratulations on getting this far!

    There are plenty of options for finding a few key pieces to keep you going till you're at goal weight: charity/ goodwill shops (who will also happily take your old too-big clothes)


    Sale rails or discount malls.

    Swap shops or swishing parties are great if you can find enough other women to take part.

    And choose wisely - a pair of black trousers is probably the most verstaile item you can get. But look at your existing wardrobe of still wearable stuff, as well as shoes, bags, scarves, jewellry etc, and try to stick to a mix and match colour scheme.

    My wardrobe is mostly cream, brown, grey, soft green - it looks subtle and classy (well I think so!) and most things go with more han one item.

    Happy shopping!
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I'm in the same boat as the OP.

    However, this thing about wearing right fitting clothes will give you more on the fence on that one. Sure, it shows my hips etc are narrower than my old t-shirts showed, but at least my old t-shirts "hide" my belly! Sure, its nowhere near as big as it was, but it still sticks out a bit, and having that in a right fitting t-shirt...hmmm....
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    I second thrifting for them! Or go to a less expensive store to get a few basics that you would need - jeans, work pants, etc. You can also ask some friends that are close to your size if you can borrow stuff (if you don't want to flat out ask - just put out feelers on social media, "hey friends! Anyone need to get rid of stuff in their closet??? I need a few pairs of work pants on the cheap!"

    I would also recommend a few knit dresses. There are tons of different styles, and a basic knit dress can really get you through a lot of sizes.
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    When my waist went down 2" or so , I started giving away/gettin rid of my clothes. I found shorts and jeans didn't fit well, so by the following season I'd buy all new stuff. Winter isn't as bad, cause larger hoodies and things will always fit regardless.

    The bonus in throwing out all my 38" pants, wan't just fitting into 36s...but if I start getting even a BIT bigger in the 36" notice right away. And you don't have your larger clothes to fall back on!

    If you're gonna buy new clothing a few sizes smaller, buy in the off-season...such as buying summer stuff now or over Christmas. It'll be cheaper and offer more incentive to keep up with your progress.

    On the other hand, I've been bulking up and building muscle, so my nice clothes from earlier on in the summer don't fit in the arms and chest right now...but after a cut next spring, they may.
  • momof2osaurus
    momof2osaurus Posts: 477 Member
    Getting into a new size is pretty much the highlight of losing weight for me, so I buy what I need when I get into a new size (unless I already have it). Granted, all I need is a pair or two of jeans (because I steal my husband's t-shirts and I work at home), and I can find those cheap at Walmart or some place like it. Good luck!
  • Pants as (sort of) mentioned by other people are probably more essential than tops. I go to wal-mart or other cheap places and look for clearance stuff under $10.
    Funny story: one of the doctors I work with had lost her baby weight but hadn't quite met her goal and hadn't bought new scrubs yet. They fell down (all the way) while she was doing CPR chest compressions. No one would have noticed because we were all too busy doing CPR, except she yelled when it happened and we all looked at her to see what was the matter!
  • wiglet23
    wiglet23 Posts: 887 Member
    Second hand shops and thrift stores. I have a cousin that lost over 100 lbs on MFP and she swears by second hand stores. Also look for clothing swaps in your area. Everything I have that is nice, I take to second hand stores and they give me a credit for what sells, I like to use that money to get "new" stuff.

    Hope that helps and congrats on the loss. Great job!

    GREAT idea!! I got 3 skirts for $29 at a consignment store... one was from Nordstroms. LOVE deals like that! :smile:
  • I'm in the same boat as the OP.

    However, this thing about wearing right fitting clothes will give you more on the fence on that one. Sure, it shows my hips etc are narrower than my old t-shirts showed, but at least my old t-shirts "hide" my belly! Sure, its nowhere near as big as it was, but it still sticks out a bit, and having that in a right fitting t-shirt...hmmm....

    Try it. See what others say. "Proper fitting clothes" should not make you feel like your belly is bulging or highlighted. Wearing clothes that fit you 35 pounds ago, in my opinion, tends to look dumpy and sloppy. Were the clothes that are now too big proper fitting at one time? Were they tight at one time? If you could wear them tight or proper fitting back then, what makes you think that wearing proper fitting clothes now, when you're smaller, will look bad? I imagine your perception of yourself in proper fitting clothes will differ from the percepetion of others. Be proud of what you've accomplished. I'm sure you look great!
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I bought work pants and jeans on eBay. 7 pairs of pants for 30$.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    i agree w/ going to a thrift store to find inexpensive and cheap pants until you get to your goal weight and can go "real" shopping. i agree, spending money isn't always in the cards for me either and i love thrift stores! (congrats on the weight loss!)
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I'm in the same boat as the OP.

    However, this thing about wearing right fitting clothes will give you more on the fence on that one. Sure, it shows my hips etc are narrower than my old t-shirts showed, but at least my old t-shirts "hide" my belly! Sure, its nowhere near as big as it was, but it still sticks out a bit, and having that in a right fitting t-shirt...hmmm....

    Try it. See what others say. "Proper fitting clothes" should not make you feel like your belly is bulging or highlighted. Wearing clothes that fit you 35 pounds ago, in my opinion, tends to look dumpy and sloppy. Were the clothes that are now too big proper fitting at one time? Were they tight at one time? If you could wear them tight or proper fitting back then, what makes you think that wearing proper fitting clothes now, when you're smaller, will look bad? I imagine your perception of yourself in proper fitting clothes will differ from the percepetion of others. Be proud of what you've accomplished. I'm sure you look great!

    Nah, i always prefered slightly baggy, to hide my lumps, but now they are, even by my standards, ridiculous. I do have one set of clothing that is the "right size": My badminton gear. Only got it last week and worn it to one training night, and no-one recognised me when i walked in, and i got compliments all night! But.....but....

    ...maybe its just me and this "phobia" of letting my belly be shown....i bet no bugger is even half interested....
  • I'm in the same boat as the OP.

    However, this thing about wearing right fitting clothes will give you more on the fence on that one. Sure, it shows my hips etc are narrower than my old t-shirts showed, but at least my old t-shirts "hide" my belly! Sure, its nowhere near as big as it was, but it still sticks out a bit, and having that in a right fitting t-shirt...hmmm....

    Try it. See what others say. "Proper fitting clothes" should not make you feel like your belly is bulging or highlighted. Wearing clothes that fit you 35 pounds ago, in my opinion, tends to look dumpy and sloppy. Were the clothes that are now too big proper fitting at one time? Were they tight at one time? If you could wear them tight or proper fitting back then, what makes you think that wearing proper fitting clothes now, when you're smaller, will look bad? I imagine your perception of yourself in proper fitting clothes will differ from the percepetion of others. Be proud of what you've accomplished. I'm sure you look great!

    Nah, i always prefered slightly baggy, to hide my lumps, but now they are, even by my standards, ridiculous. I do have one set of clothing that is the "right size": My badminton gear. Only got it last week and worn it to one training night, and no-one recognised me when i walked in, and i got compliments all night! But.....but....

    ...maybe its just me and this "phobia" of letting my belly be shown....i bet no bugger is even half interested....

    Well yea, you've lost 46 pounds! I would hope they're ridiculous by your standards. Even if you can't wear proper fitting clothes proudly, I'm proud of your loss for you! When you're ready, you'll get the right size, so people won't have to go to badminton practice to see how much you've lost. :)
  • Thanks for everyone's reply. I think I will go to a second hand store. Especially since I have no clue what size I should be...I have been wearing elastic waist band pants. To everyone on MFP keep up the good work.