to weigh or not to weigh...



  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I weigh once a week at TOPS now. I think daily can get obsessive. They say if you weigh daily then keep a log and average the 7 weights for your true weight. But I say pick a day and weigh first thing and that is your true weight. Unfortunately I can't follow my own advice because I can't find a scale to buy that is accurate at my weight for home. I have bought 2 and had to take them back because they weighed differently every time I got on it by a difference of 2-3 pounds. I would get on step off then wait and get on again and I would weigh 2-3 pounds more or less it was crazy. So I went to Wal-mart and told the service desk that I was going to try the scale before I bought it this time just in case they heard some crazy lady was stepping on the scales in the aisle. She just laughed. They all did the same thing and 2 were supposed to be accurate up to 500 lbs +/- an ounce according to the box, yeah right within a 10 pounds maybe. So I stick to the scale at the gym or now at TOPS where I joined last week will be the official scale for my weigh ins once a week.
  • nramey
    nramey Posts: 1
    :smokin: Don't weigh-I say measure..I never lose pounds everyday. Its takes me at least a week to lose naything.