you'd think after almost 235 days..

you'd think after almost 235 days i'd have it down by down.. cals in v. cals out... and i do. i've tried up'ing my cals, lowering my cals, exercising more, exercising less, giving me rest days, switching things up with my routines. i've lost 83 pounds so far which is no small accomplishment. i didnt think i'd make it past day 1 to be honest.. lol. i on average lose between 2-5 pounds every two weeks because of my routines, meals, exercises and such. for exercise i kickbox, do the elipital, lift weights, walk on the treadmill, and use the stationary bike. i weigh in only every two weeks. i step on the scale every day though because, lets face it, it taunts me lol. i know i shouldnt but i like to- it keeps me motivated- keeps me going and working out to be in better health/shape- whatnot. anyway, my every two week weigh-in was monday and i lost 3 pounds from the previous two weeks which i was happy with. since then, i've stepped on the scale and i'm eating the same exact way and not doing anything different with my routine this time- i've gained weight- i've gained 2 of those pounds back. talk about frustrating!! i need some help! can someone maybe give me some insight to what you *think* maybe going on? it would be very helpful :) thanks!


  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    Forgive yourself a little -- you've accomplished SO much in such a short amount of time.It'll come off, just be persistant and keep up the [insanely] good work
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    just keep doing what you're doing. 83 pounds in 8 months is an awesome pace...but 10 pounds a month is probably not sustainable. your body is probably just catching up and, doing so, it may rebel a bit. some fluctuation in weight is ok and I absolutely would not sweat a 2 pound gain when you've been primarily losing each and every week.

    if, however, you don't start losing again in the next few weeks, you might want to change up your routine to trick your body and jump start your metabolism again. perhaps your body simply got used to the routine.
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    So you weigh 2lbs more now than you did on Monday, is that correct? My advice is not to worry about what the scales say so much. Besides the fact that our weight can fluctuate DAILY by 3-7 lbs, depending on what we've eaten, had to drink, how we worked out, etc., I highly doubt you've eaten 7000 extra calories in the past 2 days, which is what you would have needed to eat over and above your net calories to actually gain 2lbs.

    The scale only shows you a number, but you have to remember all the other factors that play into that number. Weigh yourself less often, in the morning after the bathroom but before you eat for the best consistency. And even doing that, don't worry so much about the fluctuations but the general trending of the numbers. Overall, they're obviously going down.

    Best of luck!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    2 LBS can be something as simple as the contents of your gut system. I wouldn't worry about it - watch for the next two weeks and see what happens!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Just keep doing what you've been doing our weigh fluctuates, I bet if you just stick to your guns is 2 weeks you will have lost weight like always, Maybe you didn't drink as much water yesterday or did but ate something with a little more salt. Keep up the good work. Congratulations on what you have already done....
  • LIBS!!! you are building killer muscle! Chill out- I WANT TO BE YOU!!! haha you have come so far! Those LBS will leave! Promise :-)