No more Bread!



  • SunshineKisses_2012
    This totally just made me get up and go eat a sandwich on a big, fat fluffy bolillo roll. It was good. Bread and all.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I'm scared of bread and don't love it anyway so it's no difficulty for me not to eat it.

    But it bugs me that I and so many others fear it. It's the 21st century modern evil when you talk to most dieters. But seriously, bread has been the staple food of our country for well over 1000 years, it's low in fat and not that high in calories - how bad can it really be? I think we give ourselves things to worry about because we have nothing real to fear in this country (ie famine)
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    You'll find a lot of people who believe that wheat flour or wheat in general (yes, whole wheat too) is just not too great for us -- gluten intolerance or not. One book that has come out recently is called "Wheat Belly"

    I haven't read it myself but I have heard the author give a couple of different interviews and it sounds interesting. According to him, he didn't set out to incriminate wheat but I think he started having patients cut it out for its insulin raising properties and then he found that a lot of other things improved in his patients as well. He did more research and found that the wheat we use today is dramatically altered from the ancient grain that it was cultivated from. Anyway, like I said, I haven't read the book and he does use some seemingly hyperbolic language when discussing what he sees as the "danger of wheat" -- so I'm sure that he will lose credibility with some.

    He's not the only one who isn't too excited about wheat in the modern diet.

    I've cut back dramatically myself and, in general, I just have more room for more nutrient-dense foods. I tend to feel less gnawing hunger throughout the day, too. That might be related or it might have to do with adding animal protein back in my diet at about the same time.

    I don't think there are any disadvantages to a bread-free diet except, as others have noted, that you might miss it! If you don't, you aren't missing out on vital nutrients or anything. Bread doesn't have anything that can't be found elsewhere.
  • bens_mommy
    I'm just smart about the kind of bread I eat, and how much. I don't eat white bread save for very infrequently, usually French bread. I rarely eat sandwiches, instead I'll have sandwich stuff inside a whole-grain organic pita. My body handles carbs well and I find that if I cut it out completely I binge hardcore on it. D:
  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    when i was at my heaviest a few years ago i had dropped 50 lbs from doing a low carb diet within six months and at that time i LOVED LOVED LOVED carbs, ate them all day everyday but over the past 6 years i've gained lik 40 of it back. so what you have to realize and really look at is your diet now and what you crave and what your used ot eating. if you're used to eating bread, starches, all that then in the end it wont work unless you COMPLETELY COMPLETELY cut it out. be honest with yourself...for me, i will not do a low carb diet again because i know i cant, i've eating carbs my whole life especially breads so no.

    but if its something you dont eat a lot, then it will be an easier transition for you to cut it all out. but you have to think long 5 years in advance long term and even further. a change like that if your not completely commited wont do any good if your going to pick up on carbs again.

    if anything you can limit the amount of bread or startches you eat meaning portion wise and really be conscious of what carbs your putting into your body and realisitcally how you will burn them throughout the day. carbs are th energy your body needs to get through the just be conscious of the amount you eat then you'll be good.