Feeling discouraged

Hm, I hope its not too cliche that my first post is going to be me whimpering about how discouraged I already am...:ohwell:

So I decided (for the fifth or sixth time in the past year) that I'm really going to stick to my guns and I'm going to lose the weight. I had a baby and I haven't been able to get rid of the baby weight. As baby is going to be 3 in April *ahem* there is really no excuse for me to still have 35 extra pounds. And I'm gaining, not losing. So since Tuesday, I've been working really hard watching and logging what I eat. Well today I decide to throw in some Taebo. I couldn't even make it through fifteen minutes without having to stop. And then to add insult to injury, I've not lost a single teeny tiny little pound. And I know I weighed myself at the end of the day and I'm only four days into this, realistically, I know I'm not going to see much (if any) changes. But I had hoped for more than this.

Well, thanks for listening to my sob story for today. :smile:


  • DevaFae
    DevaFae Posts: 17
    Hm, I hope its not too cliche that my first post is going to be me whimpering about how discouraged I already am...:ohwell:

    So I decided (for the fifth or sixth time in the past year) that I'm really going to stick to my guns and I'm going to lose the weight. I had a baby and I haven't been able to get rid of the baby weight. As baby is going to be 3 in April *ahem* there is really no excuse for me to still have 35 extra pounds. And I'm gaining, not losing. So since Tuesday, I've been working really hard watching and logging what I eat. Well today I decide to throw in some Taebo. I couldn't even make it through fifteen minutes without having to stop. And then to add insult to injury, I've not lost a single teeny tiny little pound. And I know I weighed myself at the end of the day and I'm only four days into this, realistically, I know I'm not going to see much (if any) changes. But I had hoped for more than this.

    Well, thanks for listening to my sob story for today. :smile:
  • AmandaJ
    AmandaJ Posts: 1,950 Member
    HI, welcoome to MFP! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Please don't get discouraged already, my scale didn't drop at all for the first six days and then it dropped four pounds. Sometimes it takes your body a chance to get into the swing of things. Make sure you are drinking your water.

    Also if it is any encouragement two weeks ago I couldn't ride my stationary bike for more than 12 minutes and now I am up to 20 minutes. You will get there, hang in there! Celebrate the fact you have decided to change to a healthier lifestyle!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    You said it, four days is not really enough to see a change. Give yourself no less than a week for weigh ins. Keep watching what you eat, log it in, continue exercising and perhaps join a couple of challenges on this site. There are a lot going around right now. They really help. Good luck!!! You can do it!!! :flowerforyou:
  • pinkyjane48
    Been there! I just wanted to encourage you not to give up :) I know sometimes a week feels like forever, but your body is probably doing what mine did- wait to see if the routine was actually going to last before letting anything go. It tooke me 3 weeks to see any differences and then when I did, I DID!

    Im on my day one (again... blah) and it felt like the loooonnnngggeessstttt day. But KEEP GOING!
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    DevaFae, keep the faith and give it time. We all have been there. Me personally have the same sob story to tell today! I have been on MFP for several months, slacked off during the holidays gained all plus some back that I had lost. I went to walk on the walking trail today and at the point where I turned around to come back I thought "why did I do this?!?!" I was so mad at myself but I had no choice I had to get back to my car, thankfully I didn't get down to a crawl, not that I didn't think about it.

    I know how you fell about the baby weight, my baby just turned 9 and I have about 25 pounds still hanging around. So just keep it up, tomorrow is a new day and you can do Taebo again even if it is just for 15 minutes, that is 15 more minutes than you were doing this time last week!!
    Hang in there,
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    It takes time, but you can do it!
  • greeneggsam
    Also, keep challenging yourself with your workouts. I used to think I would die if I did more than 15 minutes of cardio. Now, I do 45 to 60 minutes on the elliptical every other day. Between cardio and strength training, I haven't lost tons of weight, but I fit into my clothes better and I feel great!

    Don't give up! Just think of now as the end of your "before"... You can only get to "after" if you keep working at it!
  • DevaFae
    DevaFae Posts: 17
    Thanks for the encouragement! I got a good nights sleep and I'm (more or less) ready to keep going. I want this to all just happen-right now! But, I know I need to just keep and at it and sooner or later, something will happen. But its nice to have someplace I can come and be a little discouraged. So thank you, everyone!! :flowerforyou:
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    And I know I weighed myself at the end of the day and I'm only four days into this

    im not sure if weighting yourself at the end of the day is a good idea,, remember your tummy will be full of food and drinks from the day... wait until the morning, go potty ... then weight in ..

    you might be surprise !
  • denisebee
    denisebee Posts: 137 Member
    You can do this! Just keep making the right choices and you will see results. It's hard to change old habbits! But after a while it will get easier and you will see results. I agree with May_marie NEVER weigh at the end of the day! You'll always weigh heavier. Give yourself a week before weighing in again and then do it in the morning before you've eaten breakfast. Good Luck!!! You can do it!!!!!