Zone 5 - want to grow in the winter

scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
edited October 2024 in Food and Nutrition
Here's a question = I have no idea if anyone can answer. But I was thinking about growing some things in pots this winter. I have some basil going. Cilantro would be nice. I would like to do some salad greens - I know you can grow those in pots. (Can you grow Kale in a pot??) I wouldn't mind trying to grow endive in a pot, too. What I am wondering is - how? I live in Zone 5 (CT). Can I set up a little green house on my deck to keep it warm through the winter? Should I set up a place indoors? If I grow indoors, do I need to set up some lamps so the plants get enough "sunlight"?


  • VLGmom
    VLGmom Posts: 21 Member
    For all thngs garden and plants go to
    The folks there are very nice and knowledgable.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    For all thngs garden and plants go to
    The folks there are very nice and knowledgable.
    Awesome! Thanks!
  • craftydeb
    craftydeb Posts: 77 Member
    Ever heard of Aerogarden? You can grow just about anything, including tomatoes and peppers in them.....I have an Aerogarden Deluxe and it is really great! You should look into it especially since you are in that zone. People in AK use them because of the short planting season.
  • VLGmom
    VLGmom Posts: 21 Member
    Also, not really on topic, but kind of - if you are looking for fresh veggies in the winter you can't beat a CSA (community supported agriculture) Our winter CSA (Ohio, zone 6b, I think, maybe 6a) has all kinds of good stuff. Check out if interested to see what is in your area.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    Ever heard of Aerogarden? You can grow just about anything, including tomatoes and peppers in them.....I have an Aerogarden Deluxe and it is really great! You should look into it especially since you are in that zone. People in AK use them because of the short planting season.

    omg - that looks so cool!!
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    Also, not really on topic, but kind of - if you are looking for fresh veggies in the winter you can't beat a CSA (community supported agriculture) Our winter CSA (Ohio, zone 6b, I think, maybe 6a) has all kinds of good stuff. Check out if interested to see what is in your area.

    Hubs and I signed up for a CSA this year. We did 1.5 shares and split it with my sister and her hubs. We have been enjoying SO much fresh veggies and herbs. OMG, I didn't know I liked radishes. The garlic is to die for. The tomatoes are orgasmic. But... ~sigh~ our CSA ends on 10/25. I will be SO SAD this winter to go abck to frozen veggies... which won't be so bad if there was more of a selection. I do fresh as often as I can... but I figured out that our CSA averaged $13.50 a week for hubs and I. There is NO way I could buy all that fresh veg and herbs for that each week. I'll be counting the days until it starts again in May. I have been blanching and freezing SOME squash, eggplant, etc. But this year was definitely a learning experience. I will do better next year with more blanching/freezing/pickling... may even try my hand at canning (we'll see).

    When hubs and I moved in together 10 years ago... there was not a fruit or veggie to be found in our kitchen or fridge. Now I open my fridge and it is fully stocked with squash, eggplant, tomatoes, green beans, parsley, garlic, snap peas, celery root, broccolli, etc.

    I want to grow asparagus, too. I am going to have to read about that... rototill my garden in the spring. Try to battle my weeds once again.
  • VLGmom
    VLGmom Posts: 21 Member
    Ask around on garden web before you till a new asparagus patch... You'll be stirring up a bunch of weed seeds ready for germination that will make the weed fight that much harder in the future.

    What are you doing with your CSA eggplant? We are getting them now, and although they look beautiful I haven't found a wingle thing to do with them that I like, except this eggplant caviar recipe that I've lost... I just can't get past the styrofoam texture.

    Sorry your CSA doesn't have a winter option. Te first CSA we belonged to didn't, but the one we are part of now (which is also so much closer to our home) does.

    Good luck!
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