5'8" Ladies with results?



  • shellrock44
    shellrock44 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'8'' and have had just small results so far. My highest weight was this year at 266. I was about 160-170 in high school and then the military kept my weight in check for 10 years after that. Life happens and now I'm at 246.9 and I am thrilled to be under 250. My first goal is 200 pounds, hopefully by my brother's wedding next summer. I have been using MFP off and on over the last year and came back to it this time because my Mom asked me to do a low carb way of eating with her. She was just diagnosed with Diabetes and it was a blow for both of us. I weigh more then she does and she's taller than me. I have been pre-diabetic for a few years now but thankfully my numbers are always low. The low carb eating is working great. I think I am getting to the point of where I am going to start incorperating exercise. I have to do little change at a time otherwise I won't keep it up. It's encouraging to see the weight fall off, I've been eating low carb for three weeks now and have lost 10 pounds. Pretty good in my opinion. Thanks.

  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    5'8 here and medium/large frame! my starting weight the beginning of this month was 175...now its 169! i've noticed a little difference but my bf says he's i look like i've been losing weight which i gave him the typical "ewww no. still got lots to lose!"

    i remember at my lightest when i worked hard, i got down to like 143..but i didnt like it..i looked TOO skinny but i wasnt..my frame just made me look super skinny from my shoulders up and i thought i looked freaky so i stopped dieting....6 years later i got back up to 175..so now i'm aiming to be down to 155 by november 19th! 20 lbs isnt too much but its a good chunk....i'm just determined ot look good in this dress i have to wear in november so i gotta look hot!
  • jpamplin28
    jpamplin28 Posts: 76 Member
    I am 5'8" and my first goal weight is 160. My highest was was 292 and I am currently 184. I might go down to 150 but no lower than that. I have a large frame and have extra skin from the large weight loss so going lower is just going to make that worse.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    This post is from back in July, and while I'm not at my goal yet, I definitely call it results. :)

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