Top 5 things you are looking forward to

What are the top 5 things you are looking forward to when you reach your goal weight? Or one of the goals along the way?

The top 5 things I am looking forward to when I get to my goal weight

1) Seeing my hip bones

2) Not wearing stretch jeans

3) A "D" cup

4) Being able to shop at Victoria Secrets (not that I will, would just like to be able to fit in some of their things)

5) Wearing a straight skirt

Would love to hear everyone else's Top 5.


  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    1. being able to walk again
    2. being able to run again.
    3. that'll do, to be honest.
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    -Live longer :P
    -Live healthy
    -Get skinnier
    -Stay skinny
    -Stay healthy

    I guess this is it for me :)
  • svetlana_vs
    Shopping, shopping, shopping, shopping, shopping for smaller sizes :-)
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    1) Being able to run from zombies
    2) Being able to bash zombies' skulls in
    3) Being able to save others from zombies
    4) Being able to haul my food kills back to the safe zone during the zombie apocalypse.
    5) Being able to assist with the post-Zombie reboot of civilization, whatever it looks like.
  • LoriIAM
    LoriIAM Posts: 73 Member
    Being in control of what I eat, instead of what I eat controlling me.

    Is one thing ok?
  • mrsmartin5
    Not having so much back pain
    Being able to run and play with my son
    Buying a whole new wardrobe full of clothes
    Not having to shop in specific plus size shops or online
    Looking better in a swimsuit !
  • abeachlady
    Knowing I can find something cute to wear.
    Knowing my stomach isn't pooching out.
    Seeing my collar bone.
    Gaining more confidence.
    Feeling pretty again.
  • svetlana_vs
    Shopping, shopping, shopping, shopping, shopping for smaller sizes :-)

    And wearing my old clothes too! I have some wonderful dresses waiting for me!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    1. shopping for clothes in any store instead of having to go to the "specialty shops"
    2. not worrying whether or not I'll fit into a restaurant booth comfortably
    3. doing jumping jacks without hurting myself
    4. giving myself a pedicure without cutting off my circulation
    5. renewing vows on the beach in two years wearing some hot strappy number and liking how it looks.
  • meeperoon
    meeperoon Posts: 270 Member
    1. Clothes that will fit me from ANY store (small sizing stores I will not put up with it any more!!!)
    2. seeing my collar bones in that sexy celebrity way.
    3. Feeling thin enough to wear a bikini (in advance of a long awaited holiday!)
    4. Feeling confident enough with my body to be infront of a camera.
    5. Not sweating profusely everytime I feel like doing something slightly strenuous!
  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    Being able to concieve one day

    Getting into the 100's range for my weight

    Being able to do more than 2 decent manly pushups

    Posting some really awesome before and after pics on here

    Getting my blood work done again and seeing all the good results from this work.
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    1 - like to do exercises without feeling exhausted
    2 - like to be able to hang around the pool on vacation without feeling too self conscious
    3 - want to get OFF of BP and Cholesterol meds.
    4 - would like to know where my heart rate REALLY is (off meds)
    5 - want to look and feel younger
  • sarahemily72
    1. Feeling like myself
    2. Taking a family picture that I am proud of
    3. Knowing that I am in control
    4. Shopping
    5. Improving my tennis game
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Having all of the energy and strength to really get involved in high-impact sports like mountain biking, rugby, and boxing. I need to be healthy and fit so I don't hurt myself in the process.
  • piezoeyjune
    piezoeyjune Posts: 186 Member
    What motivates me?

    Looking presentable in a bathing suit next summer... so that I dont feel like a fool and that Im being made fun of...

    I have some really great high heels... I cannot wait to wear them again and not feel like im going to topple at any moment...

    My LBD. Its short, sexy and silky... I cannot wait to wear that again...

    The money I spent to enroll in the gym... I cannot let it go to waste...

    Non self conscious sex... I want to be hot and feel hot... then jump someone's bones... (TMI?)


    oh, and actually going to my next HS Reunion (25 years) and looking good. I have someone who I want to have regret breaking up with me...

    I guess mine are a bit superficial. Sorry. Im in great health except for my weight.
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    No longer being made fun of for my size.

    Not having to question whether the safety bar and strap will fit me on amusement park rides, airplanes, etc.

    Being a MILF :bigsmile:

    Encouraging others with before/after pics and my success story.

    Looking back at a less than healthy life, and knowing that I took charge.
  • DIYmomma
    DIYmomma Posts: 74 Member
    1. being able to afford clothes i want to wear instead of wearing clothes i can afford
    2. not feeling ashamed when i go out in public
    3. not having to smell like Bengay / no longer being in pain everyday
    4. having more energy
    5. being able to spend more time playing with my kids
  • DIYmomma
    DIYmomma Posts: 74 Member
    1) Being able to run from zombies
    2) Being able to bash zombies' skulls in
    3) Being able to save others from zombies
    4) Being able to haul my food kills back to the safe zone during the zombie apocalypse.
    5) Being able to assist with the post-Zombie reboot of civilization, whatever it looks like.

    this is awesome!
  • sdwelk11
    besides being healthier ... i look forward to wearing a sexy dress! i look forward to making it into the RN program and being able to wear smaller scrubs and when the pinning ceremony happens I want to be thin. Cant wait to see my feet without bending all the way over to see them!!!!!
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    1) No more prescription medicine
    2) less back pain
    3) more energy
    4) looking good shirtless
    5) maintaining a healthy lifestyle