first day and 100 pounds to lose

barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
so happy to find this site thanks to a friend who posted on another social network. Thanks, Roy, for telling us about this. I am years post menopausal and the years are not kind to those of us trying to lose weight. I gained it so fast that it just slipped up on me and then the depression it caused just seemed to aggravate the situation. Night time eating is my nemesis! I can get through the day wonderfully with a healthy, balanced diet and then come 8 p.m. and the snacks start calling my name. They are not subtle about it either. The refrigerator beckons and taunts me. I have tried not having any in the house, but then just eat too much of the stuff that should be healthy (e.g. several pieces of toast with butter and jelly!). I'm counting on the support of the nice people whose posts I've read to keep me on the right track. Good luck to everyone on the journey to health and fitness!


  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    Welcome and add me as a friend if you want! Good luck! I'm certain you'll do great!
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    would love to add you as friend but don't know how to do that. Add me if you know how or 'splain me how.
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    OMG you sound just like me! Welcome to MFP, it's a great site for support, encouragement, understanding and a few laughs to boot! I too am post menopausal (started a little know, ten years of peri menopause) and as with you, the weight kinda snuck on really least it seemed really fast!! And, since your body becomes your enemy after 50, it's really tough taking it off. Friend me if you like, it's better with more to encourage and help you out and I am a great motivator (for everyone else that is!)
    Good luck!
  • welome and im in the same boat but a little over 200 to lose ..we can and will do this ..add me
  • Cindy311
    Cindy311 Posts: 780 Member
    Welcome and best of luck barkin! If night time eating is hard for you allot some calories for that night time snack. You can purchase the 100 calorie mini bags of popcorn and it provided 5 cups! Also, are there certain things that trigger the eating? Find your triggers and change them :) If I watch a movie I drink on a 16 oz glass of water to keep full on so my mind doesn't always wander to mindless eating.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    You are already aware of where your problems lie... so you'll be ahead of the game and you'll be right on track to meet your goals! Great starting point, MFP is the best site I've found for keeping track of my intake and exercise and keeping me motivated.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Stick with us, you definitely can do this!!!!! MFP rules!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    You are all taking the right step in using this site. The food and excercise diary has been a big help to me. You can do this if you work it.
  • XoxKellyxox
    XoxKellyxox Posts: 12 Member
    aww i know the feeling am a late night snacker myself lol but this wedsite has really helped me,
    hope it works for u to,
    feel free to add me if u need support
    an that goes for anyone else who reads this post
    friends requests always welcome xx:smile:
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    would love to add you as friend but don't know how to do that. Add me if you know how or 'splain me how.

    It is really easy, just click on the persons name and then you will see "add as friend" you can click on there and send a message to the person (alot of people like that instead of just sending a request with no message). You can read about them in their profile there and decide if they are someone you want to add. Hey, add me if you would like, I am 53 and in the throes of menopause as well. Having a tough time getting it off too. and oh....snacks??? can you say snacks!!!!! Just started taking L-glutamine to reduce the sugar works!
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    I don't know how to friend, but would love to be your friend. Please 'splain me how to do it!! Thanks!
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Well done on taking the first step!

    Not that you asked for advice but I'll give it anyway. Start slow. I think a good way to start is to not limit yourself at first; only record everything. After a week it'll open your eyes especially after you estimate how much you should be eating for weight maintenance.

    After that week of recording your normal diet look for ways to improve your diet by dropping certain snacks, reducing volume or swapping some foods you're eating now with a healthier, less calorie dense alternatives.

    After a while you'll find that you will implicitly make better food choices just because it makes your stats on MFP better.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    Thanks. That sounds like good advice. Instead of 100 pounds, my goal is to lose 1 pound this week!
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    Thanks for the L-glutamine tip. I'll try that.
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