Still Trying to lose 20lbs :( Who's with me?

I started my journey in Jan at 180lbs. I did really well till July when my Husband got home from deployment. I was at 150lbs....then I started eating crap again. I've been going strong again for 2 weeks. I am 5'7" and my overall goal is 135lbs (right now 155lbs). I am looking for someone who would like to set daily and weekly goals with me. I workout hard and would like to find someone else who works out just as hard. Anyone interested in doing this with me????


  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    I am!

    It started as a plateau and then the last 3 months (only 5 pounds lost!) I have been SO discouraged...I see myself slipping back into old ways (eating my emotions for one and going over my daily goal)...

    I still have 34 pounds to go but 20 would be GREAT :)

    P.S. Air Force wife myself ;)

  • Leia81
    Hi Can I girls join you. I need motivation. I need to lose 6 pounds. I know it does not sound much but it is sooo hard for me to do this...
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member

    As long as you don't show to many of those beautiful bikini pics...;)

    Reese,want to start up a group?
  • AmyHarrison1983
    AmyHarrison1983 Posts: 14 Member
    I will too! It's like you're my twin! We're the same age. We look the same (although I haven't posted real pics of myself yet), and I am around 180 and am 5'7. I need to get down to 135 my goal weight too. It seems like you are really close to that weight though. Go you! You should be proud of yourself. I would be happy to hold one another accountable on here. Let's message each other each day and get on this weight loss motivational thing together.
  • MrsPike07
    I would like to get down to 150-160lbs, I am at 177 now. At 5'7" myself I know I could go lower but don't want to I guess. :bigsmile: So I too would like to lose another 20! Here's to kicking that 20 to the curb!! :drinker: We can do this!!! No matter what the goal is!
  • reese1206
    How do you start a group?

    As long as you don't show to many of those beautiful bikini pics...;)

    Reese,want to start up a group?
  • Leia81
    Those pics are 7 pounds ago:wink:
  • Leia81
    Girls you might want to try Medifast: it is the diet that helped go from 158 to 138 this january. It is really effective and I thought it is fun.
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member

    You look fab ;)
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member

    Not sure how to start a group...Let me check!
  • reese1206
    I prefer just eating right and working out hard. I don't want to go on a "diet". I've made a lifestyle change :)
    Girls you might want to try Medifast: it is the diet that helped go from 158 to 138 this january. It is really effective and I thought it is fun.
  • reese1206
    Thx. We could set goals and check in daily. Weigh in's weekly :)

    Not sure how to start a group...Let me check!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    :bigsmile: Hey Ladies... I'm with ya! I need to loose 20lbs also to be right around 135. I'm in a challenge right now with weigh-ins on Wed so as of today I weigh 153.8 and I am 5'2. I don't think we really have to do anything official to start a group... just check into a particular thread (like this one) daily or weekly or whatever. If you don't want others joining you just add the work Closed to the thread topic.

    BTW, How did you find me Reese? I get random friend requests all the time and wonder where they came from.
  • reese1206
    Through the other thread :)
    :bigsmile: Hey Ladies... I'm with ya! I need to loose 20lbs also to be right around 135. I'm in a challenge right now with weigh-ins on Wed so as of today I weigh 153.8 and I am 5'2. I don't think we really have to do anything official to start a group... just check into a particular thread (like this one) daily or weekly or whatever. If you don't want others joining you just add the work Closed to the thread topic.

    BTW, How did you find me Reese? I get random friend requests all the time and wonder where they came from.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    :laugh: Hmmm... that's pretty vague:tongue:

    So did you figure anything out regarding groups? We can just set goals here and check in regularly.
  • lauehorn
    I miss those bikini days! Here's to 28 lbs ago... and 28 lbs gone in the next few months. I'm with y'all!!
  • fairygirl716
    I prefer just eating right and working out hard. I don't want to go on a "diet". I've made a lifestyle change :)
    Girls you might want to try Medifast: it is the diet that helped go from 158 to 138 this january. It is really effective and I thought it is fun.

    good for you! This will last you a lifetime! Dieting lasts till you get bored or tell yourself, I'll start back on it next week, then next week, are 50 lbs heavier again!

    I have alot of toning to do and I'm getting ready to start 30 day shred...when it gets here. I don't really care about losing more weight, but I'd love to tone alot!

    I'd love to help motivate!...and be motivated with postivie encouragement!
  • fairygirl716
    I prefer just eating right and working out hard. I don't want to go on a "diet". I've made a lifestyle change :)
    Girls you might want to try Medifast: it is the diet that helped go from 158 to 138 this january. It is really effective and I thought it is fun.

    good for you! This will last you a lifetime! Dieting lasts till you get bored or tell yourself, I'll start back on it next week, then next week, are 50 lbs heavier again!

    I have alot of toning to do and I'm getting ready to start 30 day shred...when it gets here. I don't really care about losing more weight, but I'd love to tone alot!

    I'd love to help motivate!...and be motivated with postivie encouragement!

    Not sure why it posted twice! Sorry about that!
  • lvgraff
    Hi, I would also be interested in joining a group as well. I am in a transition time in my life from university to professional life and would really like to start off my new life with the right foot forward. So I am also really interested in being part of the group.
  • reese1206
    I will start the thread for this tomorrow :)