Fast Food Withdrawls

mpetrovich Posts: 4
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I am one week into my new heathier outlook on life. I am doing really well having lost 5lbs already, although I think I am actually having fast food withdrawls. I would probably have some form of fast food at least 6 times a week. Now I am brown bagging for work, eating at home for dinner and all I can think about is getting a pizza or a huge cheeseburger. The wierd thing is I'm not even hungry, but the thoughts are almost consuming. Is thier anyone else having a really hard time giving up fast food? Am I just crazy?


  • I am one week into my new heathier outlook on life. I am doing really well having lost 5lbs already, although I think I am actually having fast food withdrawls. I would probably have some form of fast food at least 6 times a week. Now I am brown bagging for work, eating at home for dinner and all I can think about is getting a pizza or a huge cheeseburger. The wierd thing is I'm not even hungry, but the thoughts are almost consuming. Is thier anyone else having a really hard time giving up fast food? Am I just crazy?
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I am one week into my new heathier outlook on life. I am doing really well having lost 5lbs already, although I think I am actually having fast food withdrawls. I would probably have some form of fast food at least 6 times a week. Now I am brown bagging for work, eating at home for dinner and all I can think about is getting a pizza or a huge cheeseburger. The wierd thing is I'm not even hungry, but the thoughts are almost consuming. Is thier anyone else having a really hard time giving up fast food? Am I just crazy?
    Nope you're not crazy:bigsmile:

    Think on what fast food contains? Lots and lots of carbs and fat, as in the unhealthy kinds of fat. The carbs in fast food are simple carbs which almost immediately turn into sugar as they hit our bloodstream..... so sure you absolutely could be going thru sugar withdrawels.... your blood sugar can shoot sky high with all the simple carbs from white bread, pizza, that sort of thing then what happens is our blood sugar drops way low and we think we are hungry all over again...that sort of food never really fills us up becasue it's not made of nutritious balanced foods.:noway: :wink:

    Doesn't mean you can never eat pizza but sometimes it's best to take a break and allow your body to detox in a way then when you feel you can have a slice or two, and log it in and can fit it in your food diary for the problem.

    I'm really proud of you that you've decided to give up fast food...that's a great 1st step toward getting healthier and making more positive food choices. OMG and think on the money saved too!:noway: :bigsmile:

    I think simple carbs are not only physically addicting but emotionally and mentally as well...thus why you get the food image in your brain, it's used to eating that food so it's sorta like it's sending you a craving message.

    Really no different than a drug/alchohol, cigs etc. craving. We don't need any of those things yet our body and mind tell us we do if we've had a habit of using them in the past.

    Ok, got a bit long here but hope this helps you and that you realize...NO WAY you are NOT CRAZY:wink::noway: :bigsmile:

    Just processing and cleaning your body out from the junk... it takes a bit of time but you hang in there and you will see incredible results. Not too long from now the idea of fast food will turn your stomache... the grease and such just won't be something you crave anymore.:sick:

    Have a great night, glad you posted and Welcome to MFP..I see you joined us this month:drinker: :bigsmile: btw...CONGRATS on the weight loss!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • mjsnee
    mjsnee Posts: 16
    I, too, am a fast food addict. I am like you and have been brown bagging to lunch, making dinner every night and trying to live healthier. I don't like to cook and w/my work scheduled coupled with my husband's work schedule it was just easier to eat out all the time. PLUS, I love burgers and fries. My mother fed me with fast food for most of my life and I just carried it over into my families' lives when I got married and had children.

    I look at my kids eating from wrappers most of the time and I know I need to change. But it's definitely not easy. I lost 3.5 lbs last week which I'm proud of....but I did let myself have some pizza last night. The only way I can do this without feeling like I'm "punishing" myself is to let myself order out one night. And that's on Friday night.

    Fortunately my children aren't overweight and I can nip this in the bud before they start gaining weight. They are all active in sports and school stuff, luckily.

    They have said this past week that they like my cooking more than eating out! What else can I ask for? The only problem I see is that it does take a lot more money and time to eat better. People say that eating out is more expensive...I'm finding that buying the food to cook everynight is just as expensive if not more.

    You can do this. The first time I tried to give up fast food, I couldn't. I just didn't have it in me. It was so hard. And I can't lie and tell you I'm not thinking about driving through McDonald's to get a McGriddle right now.....but I'm not going to. My children, as well as me, deserve better.

    You are not alone and you are not crazy. Fast food tastes like heaven to me while it repulses other people. My husband likes beer and wine while I hate both of them. To each his own tastes. Unfortuneately my tastes make me fat.

    Good luck with this hard fight. You'll do fine. No more wrappers!

  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    That was one of my main hurdles I overcame. Arby's is like crack to me.:ohwell:

    What I did learn along the way, was that I could make my own healthier versions of their product. Take, for example, an Arby's Beef N' Cheddar. I make one that tastes identical with way lower calories. Pizza and hamburgers (made with ground turkey) can be made at home and taste just as good (if not better) than the fast food version.

    When you do this, you don't feel as if you are being deprived. Not one iota.

    Experiment a little and see what you can come up with.:happy:
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    You're not alone.
    I didn't eat out much before I started this but I would indulge on occasion (even rare now...but I still do sometimes).

    Yesterday, it was BK burgers.....they smelled sooooooo good.
    You pick your battles.
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    Hi my name is Annemarie and I am a fast food-aholic. I crave it constantly. I want it in my dreams. I do let myself have something now and them but for me it's like a crack addiction.

    for me it's emotional. all the fat and carbs in it makes it a major comfort food for me. it's so hard sometimes. I think it's harder for me than not smoking. sad huh?I hope it gets easier
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Congratulations on making such an important life change. :flowerforyou: That is most excellent and you should be so proud!

    This site has a 'recipes' section you may want to check out. I've made several of the items and many of them I think are better than fast food! Also, look up the Biggest Loser recipes on google and it comes up with some awesome stuff. :love: Pizza... baked ziti... hamburgers... Things you never thought you could have in good conscience again. :bigsmile:

    Good luck to you! :drinker:
  • Thank you for all the replys
  • mjsnee
    mjsnee Posts: 16
    Hey, just checking in to see how you are doing?

    Do you count Subway as fast food? I'm a fast food addict too. I have gotten that and pizza. No burgers and fries, though.

    I just want to see how you are doing. I almost caved in today and got McDonalds. I was serving jury duty at the courthouse and you get an hour for lunch. I only had $5.00 with me and could just taste those fries. I didn't do it, though. There was traffic heading into the "fast food" end of town and I just went home and ate. I could have waited through the traffic....but I decided it was a sign to get my butt home and make my own lunch.

  • Yes, fat food...I mean fast food is very addicting. If you get a chance, rent Supersize Me. It is a documentary about what fast food actually does to your body. VERY informative. It really helped me to overcome most of my fast food cravings. Oh...and if you get this, watch all of the extras. There is a very scary experiement with the preservatives that go into the food!
    Another tool I used to get over the addiction was the book "Fast Food Nation" by Eric Schlosser. It was a real eye opener about the entire FF industry.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I was the same way when I started my new lifestyle.

    Now, I eat fast food every now and then. But most often than not, it is too greasy and makes me sick.

    Soupy is absolutely right about the homemade versions...they taste so much better and are waaaaaaaaay better for you.

    Cravings?? This too shall pass. :drinker:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I was the same way when I started my new lifestyle.

    Now, I eat fast food every now and then. But most often than not, it is too greasy and makes me sick.

    Soupy is absolutely right about the homemade versions...they taste so much better and are waaaaaaaaay better for you.

    Cravings?? This too shall pass. :drinker:
    The same thing happens to me if I eat anything greasy!

    It's amazing!

    And I agree about homemade versions too. I make plenty of great food at home(burgers, fries, breakfast sandwiches, etc) and it tastes great and isn't greasy!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I was the same way when I started my new lifestyle.

    Now, I eat fast food every now and then. But most often than not, it is too greasy and makes me sick.

    Soupy is absolutely right about the homemade versions...they taste so much better and are waaaaaaaaay better for you.

    Cravings?? This too shall pass. :drinker:
    The same thing happens to me if I eat anything greasy!

    It's amazing!

    And I agree about homemade versions too. I make plenty of great food at home(burgers, fries, breakfast sandwiches, etc) and it tastes great and isn't greasy!

    New addiction...sweet potato fries...:love:
  • mutkin
    mutkin Posts: 109
    I've been at this for about a week and a half, and I too was going to fast food restaurants WAY too often beforehand. I think its ok to let yourself go once in a while, but do it in a smart way.

    For example, pre-diet, I would have gone to chick-fil-a or whataburger and gotten a full meal. Sandwhich, fries, soda, and maybe a shake! gah!

    Now? If I REALLY want fast food, I'll look up the info on the website first. Find something that's not insanely bad in calories and get that ONE item. It satisfies the craving and I stay within my calories.

    This past Monday I went to chick-fil-a and got a chicken sandwich (with no butter added). Took it home and had it with corn on the cob and a salad. I was SUPER satisfied, and my fast food craving is temporarily gone. yay!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I feel like it is habit, more than withdrawals....or withdrawals from you habits!!:laugh:

    It takes 21 days to establish a habit, and 21 days to break a bad one. For you, you are subbing the bad with good.

    I would like a report back in 21 days, please:wink:

    BTW-Good for you! :flowerforyou:
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