Gettin' it done! Week 1 (closed)



  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 218 Member
    I have been doing good with the water that one comes easy. I have met the fruits and vegies goal the last two days too. I like having pre cut stuff so I dont have to be in the kitchen to long!!!
    michelletr you could get some of the special k drink powder and add it to water. There are other brands too that one is just off the top of my head. Many flavors too. Sometimes I get tired of plain water so I add flavor!!! Seems as everyone is doing good! Congrats to all!!

    special k drink powder? i've never seen that
  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 218 Member
    Got it. If I think of anything I will let you know. I usually just order water and stare at my husband's beer.

    Bad day for me but I do have ideas for my next goal.

    LOL....thankfully i don't like beer...can't stand the smell or taste....i'm a malibu rum girl,lol
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    I'm still knocking out my 90 minutes a day and getting my 72 ounces. How's everyone else doing?
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 165 Member
    Still doing great with the water and the fruits and veggies. This seems to be getting easier as the days go. I am trying to figure out what to do for a challenge this week. Im ready for something new! I am just happy that my weigh in this week was another success!!! How is everyone else doing.
  • I drank 104 oz of water but I am struggling with the sodium. Some changes I am making - cut way back on pre-packaged food and switching to unsalted butter.
  • Hey everyone! I read the threads but don't have time for a thorough response. Do great and know that I am thinking about you all! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    P.S. Only 48 ounces of water for me today. Dang!
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 165 Member
    Hello all I am off to a good start. I have had 3 cups of water and Im eating an apple as I type!!! I am really starting to feel better and feel like I am actually accomplishing something! How is everyone else doing? I hope everyone is feeling as good as me!!!

    LimeyTart- I just noticed your link and went to it.....YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!!! Your husband will be so amazed. I am excieted for you!!!Congrats!

    Im out, have a great day!!
  • ljedmom
    ljedmom Posts: 44 Member
    I am really impressed with everyone knocking out their goals! 4 veggies and 72 ounces of water have gotten pretty easy and almost become second nature. I'm really excited for next week!! My C1 goal is going to be to run 5 minutes every day with the kids in the stroller. It doen't sound like much, but for me it's a stretch. Hopefully I'll remember to keep up the water and veggie habits too! Thanks for the support everyone!!
  • Good day today - 104 ozs of water & under my sodium!
  • Hi ladies! I am sorry for not being on here as much these last few days. I have had to work a couple of extra days to help out at the office I work at. It doesn't leave me too much computer time and I miss it!

    I struggle to know what a good group goal is for us. We are all in such different places in our journey but I want the weekly goal to be beneficial for everyone. This week I want each of us to post on our week 2 thread DAILY and share something that helps us to live this lifestyle. Ideas would be favorite quotes, a motivational picture, a recipe that we love, etc. Do you get the idea? What makes you tick? How do you continue to persevere when life gives you challenges?

    Okay then, this thread is now dead. I will start a week 2 post now:)
  • Oops
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 165 Member
    Ok well this is not really a suggestion but it works for me. I don't like to eat right when I get up, but breakfast is the most important meal, so I do my workout and stuff around the house and then eat a late breakfast. I have always liked to eat more in the afternoon so having a late breakfast and then a late lunch ties me over better so I am not starving in the afternoon. My goal for this week is sit ups/crunches a hundred a day. I need more work on my gut, butt and thighs. I also just ordered the beginner workout from Bob Harper. I am excited for it to come. I will let you know how it is when I get it!! Good luck to all this week.
  • 2myfuture
    2myfuture Posts: 165 Member
    Ok well this is not really a suggestion but it works for me. I don't like to eat right when I get up, but breakfast is the most important meal, so I do my workout and stuff around the house and then eat a late breakfast. I have always liked to eat more in the afternoon so having a late breakfast and then a late lunch ties me over better so I am not starving in the afternoon. My goal for this week is sit ups/crunches a hundred a day. I need more work on my gut, butt and thighs. I also just ordered the beginner workout from Bob Harper. I am excited for it to come. I will let you know how it is when I get it!! Good luck to all this week.